Chapter 46

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Eliza puts on a pair of raindrop diamond earrings and surveys herself in the mirror. She is dreading the dinner that is approaching fast, as it turns out Jasper invited a few others from the land around, therefore Eliza thought it would be best to try and look like a duchess so she chose the silvery blue gown from her new wardrobe. It does look stunning on but all she can think about it the crushing weight of expectations on her shoulders. She has no qualms about attending a ball with a hundred people, her wedding had more people than that, its the fact that tonight she is a hostess and a duchess, they will watch her every move, waiting for a chance to strike.

She pulls her shoulders back to sit up straighter and slows her breathing. There's a knock on the door and Jasper strolls in, dressed in a slick black suit, he searches in one of the wardrobes for his cufflinks.

"They are in the fourth drawer," Eliza tells him nodding towards the farthest wardrobe. He opens the drawer and finds them immediately.

"You look gorgeous," He remarks, sitting down on the bed and attaching the cufflinks.

"Thank you." She replies meeting his eyes in the mirror, the flash of heat in his makes confidence swell in her chest.

"The guests will be arriving soon, we should go downstairs." He says as he stands and crosses over to her. He runs his hands down her bare shoulders and kisses a spot just below her ear, a shiver rolls through her body.

"I'll be down in a minute." She reassures him, he smiles and kisses her once more before leaving. Eliza's head slips forward onto the wooden desk, the cool wood calms her fevered skin.

"I can do this." She tells her reflection confidently. She applies a dab of perfume to her neck before slipping on a pair of matching heels and clasping Benjamin's gift around her wrist.

It is simply spending an evening with a few of Jasper's acquaintances and the awful Mirabelle, she tells herself as she walks towards the hallway, it is going to be fine. And she would have believed herself if she hadn't caught sight of the dining room all laid out with more than ten places set. Her stomach climbs up into her throat upon seeing so many plates.

"Mrs Windle." Eliza stops the housekeeper as she walks past. "How many are we expecting?"

"12 miss, excluding you and the duke." Mrs Windle says. Eliza hasn't been taught to handle this, only now is she cursing the time she spent outdoors when Eloise was learning how to be the perfect wife, host, and Duchess.

"Thank you, "She replies distractedly, the housekeeper curtseys and walks towards the kitchen to check on meal preparations. Eliza stands in the middle of the hallway, unsure whether to run, she fiddles with her sapphire bracelet nervously.

"There you are," Jasper says appearing from nowhere.

"Here I am." She says, trying not to panic. "These people you have invited." She begins.

"My business partners and a few noblemen." He answers curtly, checking his reflection in a mirror.

"Right." She grips her bracelet tighter. "Brilliant."

"I trust you can entertain their wives and daughter while we discuss matters in my study." He says straightening his tie.

"Of course." Eliza feels close to fainting. "No, bother."

"Brillant," Jasper says as the doorbell rings. One of the butlers opens the door and a couple stands there, the man walks confidently towards Jasper.

"Mr King." Jasper shakes the man's hand. Mr King grins back at him, he is a shorter man with no hair and wide eyes, he smiles brightly around him and Eliza immediately relaxes.

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