Chapter 58

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Jasper pulls Eliza's chair for her, she rolls her eyes but takes the seat with no protest, Benjamin pats her hand as she sits down, he seems relieved to see her out of the bed. Jasper sits on her right, he picks up a fork and begins to attack the steaming dishes in front of them. Plates of roast carrots, potatoes and parsnips, roast pork and chicken.

Charlotte pours a glass of wine for everyone but herself. Thomas glances at her but doesn't say anything as she sips her ginger beer and places small amounts of vegetables and meat on her plate but doesn't start to eat.

"It's good to see you awake." He says to Eliza as he piles roast potatoes onto his plate. She places her wine glass down on the table and reaches for a fork.

"I am sorry that we have been harbouring on your hospitality for so long." She replies as Jasper takes the fork from her and places chicken and green beans on her plate. "As soon as I am well enough to travel we will return to Ryddan Manor at once."

"Actually," Jasper interrupts, filling his own plate, "Chester Valley is complete."

"Oh." Eliza says surprised,

"We can go there tomorrow if you wish." He says.

"So you are going to let me out of the room then." She jests behind her wine glass, he doesn't find it funny so she continues. "I would like to see the house but all my things are at Ryddan so perhaps we stay there for a few nights while we move in? You wouldn't mind, would you uncle?"

"Not at all." Benjamin says, "I think, Lady Helen, Penny and I would be delighted to have you for a few days."

"My mother will be returning home soon." Jasper says, "It would be nice to spend some time with her before she leaves."

"I didn't know she was leaving," Eliza says as she skewers a green bean with her fork.

"Nor I." Benjamin says confused.

"Naturally she will want to return before the weather turns for the worst." Jasper supplies.

"But it is the Christmas season, she will miss all the balls and parties." Eliza says. Jasper shrugs and eats his meal, Eliza frowns but nibbles on her green bean as she thinks.

"Speaking of balls, Lady Rosemarie is holding a Yule ball Friday next," Charlotte says. "We are all invited."

"Oh that sounds like a great deal of fun," Benjamin says but he turns to his niece. "Unless you don't feel up to it?"

"On the contrary, I feel it will be the perfect event to attend after my ordeal," Eliza says with a mysterious smile.

"What are you going to do?" Jasper asks suspiciously. Eliza scoffs.

"Why nothing at all."

"It's what she says you got to be wary of," Thomas mutters, loud enough for everyone to hear, they all look to him in amusement, even Jasper cracks a smile.

"It's agreed we shall go then?" Charlotte asks.

"Yes," Jasper says. Eliza smiles into her glass, she can't wait for this ball, it might be more entertaining than a usual party.

The dinner is a delightful affair, Eliza feels safe, warm and well fed with her friends and family. She thinks that Jasper also is having a good time despite his previous resistance by the fact he is standing by the fire with a cigar talking animatedly with Thomas. Charlotte enters the living room and sits next to her on the settee, a glass of lemonade and a tumblr of whiskey in each hand.

"Thank you." Eliza steals the whiskey away.

"I am going to do it." Charlotte says, her eyes on her husband.

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