7 - Weird Voice? My punishment?

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After Thomas dropped me off at the estate. I made my way inside only see Seven, Dylan and Mason.

" Hey, guys where's Autumn?" I asked them.

"She's in her room," Mason said. Did Mason just talk?

"Oh well I'll see you guys then," I said before making my way towards where Autumn's room is.

But before I could even make it, Seven grabbed my arms pulling me back.

"Sorry sweet cheeks but you can't go there," Seven said before Mason glared at him.

He quickly let go of my arm while staring in Mason's direction with an apologetic look on his face.

Seven mouths something to Mason which looks like he mouthed 'Sorry'. Wait am I missing something here? Do they have something going on?

Mason rolls his eyes before he makes his way over to his brother.

"You have to go to you and boss bedroom is what Seven meant to say," Dylan says.

Fuck. Shit that means he did found out that I lied to him.

Without a word, I simply turn around making my way to me and Dom's bedroom as slowly as possible.

As I was making my way Seven shouted: "Don't worry we'll pray for your asshole!"

I'm fucked, I'm really fucked.



When I finally reach the bedroom door I stopped. For some reason, my body didn't want to move. You see my body wasn't moving and my mind was screaming. Am I scared of what Dom gonna do to me or say? Maybe I should make up a lie?

'Don't do that dumbass he'll find out you lied twice and he'll fuck your ass till all you see is red!' a voice in my head shouted.

Shit! I'm really fucked. 'We already established that, how much time are you gonna say that dumbass. Just go in!' the voice in my he said. 'Shut up' I replied back.

'Your the one making me talk dumbo so make me' the voice yelled. Am I really having an argument with myself?

'Yes, your really slow aren't you?' the voice asked. Oh hell nah! Did this voice really trie- Before I could even reply to the voice I was pulled into the room by a large hand. What the flying ducks!?

I was pinned on the bed with a large figure hovering over me.

Of course, it was Dom and all the thoughts I had outside were gone. This man really is gonna fuck me till I see red. He was shirtless.

'Told you' the voice hissed. Why are you still here?!

'Because your crazy duh' the voice replied back.

"One thing I can't stand is lying too" Dom growled. His dark dominating voice was intimating as fuck.

'Welp you're fucked, deal with that by yourself bye' the voiced said before disappearing.

"I-I-I......" I couldn't speak the glare he gave me was I am going to fuck your tight asshole till your ass pass outlook. By all means, I don't know how but that's what his face looks like.

"If you wanted to get fucked, I was here but you wanted to be fucked by someone else didn't you?" he hissed at me. Wait. What?

"I-I didn't f-fuck a-anybody I swear" I stuttered. Dom's eyes grew darker and his hands grew tighter around my wrist.

"Then why do I smell cheap ass cologne on you," Dom said. what the fuck? Is he Wolverine or some shit?

The cologne must have rubbed off me when Jeff pulled me in his arms to kiss me.

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