21 - Lies?

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No lies this chapter might suck...I mean really bad.


"Uhh!' I moaned as Dominic rams himself inside me. The slapping of skin was all I could hear as the water was making the sound even louder than before. 

"Slow d-down " I manage to breathe as Dom's hands were wrapped around my dick pumping it as he was viciously thrusting into me. "No," he growls pushing himself deeper causing me to scream as he hits my prostate.


After a while of having sex in the shower, We had finally stop and when I mean we I mean Dom. Once Dom finishes washing me and him, he carries me out of the shower. "Horny ass " I hissed jumping out of his arms only to feel my hips and legs ache. "But you love it," he smiles. "My ass" I mumbled waddling myself over to the closet. Putting on some casual wear, I look over to see Dom already dress in a black suit as always. 

He looks so sexy in black suits, I thought as I bite my bottom lip while staring at him. "Little Wolf, by the way, your staring at me looks like you want to go for round four," he says turning his gaze on me. "Don't be stupid" I hissed as I waddle my way over to the bed.

Hearing a knock on the door, I look up to see Zero stepping inside followed by Benny and the twins. 

"Wow! Paris, you got some pipes" Zero says looking at me. "Now, I'm positive the injection will work on you from the sound of your moans, "  Ben says causing me to blush. 

"What is it?" Dom asks putting in his guns in his gun holster. 

His guns^

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His guns^

"It's Thomas, He-" Zero starts as everyone in the room went silent. 


"He got... the information on Zeus and his men, " Zero says as Benny hit him in the back of his head. "Don't do that shit dumbass" Benny yelled. 

"Ok, well tell him to report back here because I don't want him killing off Zeus" Dom instructed. "Understood" he nods turning around to go but stop to say something. "So...you and Paris in the shower huh?" Zero teased causing me to blush. 

" I'll shoot you" Dom growled before taking out his gun as Zero ran out the door. "Don't worry! I heard you guys have sex millions of time" Zero yells as the sound of a bullet went off. 

"Ha! you missed" Zero shouted. "I meant too!" Dominic shouts back.  "Now," Dominic sighs turning to the twins. "Didn't I assigned you two to watch over Travis?" Dom questioned. "Yeah, but Benny injected Travis with some serum now he can't wake up and it's boring" Dylan whined.

"But the drug should have worn off by now" Benny affirmed causing us to look at him.

"Dom!"Seven yelled rushing inside the room. "What?!" Dom answered. "He's lying "Seven gasped. "Breathe and tell me" Dom ordered. 

"Well, I checked Travis banks transactions and turns out he got 5 million dollars transferred into his account." Seven stated. "Okay, go on" Dom urged. "So I checked it out and turns out he was paid by a-" 

"Zeus" Dominic disrupted. "No, he was paid by Scorpion, "Seven announced as Dom whole body tensed.  Scorpion?! Who the hell is Scorpion?!!

"Dominic" Thomas called as he entered the room.  What now!?  "Turns out Zeus wasn't apart of anything" Thomas pronounced as a big ass man entered after him. Woah.

"I heard someone has been running their mouth about me and now that makes this my fucking business now" the unknown man growls

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"I heard someone has been running their mouth about me and now that makes this my fucking business now" the unknown man growls. "So you're saying that Travis lied to us and used Zeus's name so he could ambush us?" I asked as Seven nodded his head answering my question. Damn. 

"Where is he?" Dom asks as the twins eyes widen before running out of the room. The rest of us gladly followed them as we were met with an empty infirmary. "Dammit!" Dom yelled. "He's not getting away!"Dominic bellowed pressing the lockdown button on the wall.

"No one gets out until we found him" He commanded before turning over to Zeus. "Sorry for the misunderstanding" Dom apologized. "it's okay just know-" "AHHHHHHHHH!!!" a scream interrupted. 

That voice...

"Autumn!" I shouted running off into the direction to where the scream was as the rest follow after me. "Paris!" Dom yelled but I didn't stop for a second to see what he was calling about.

Running to the court area I look over to see Autumn struggling in Travis's arms. "You let her go!" I yelled as I was about to run up to him but Dominic pulled me back. "Let her go, Travis and I might let you live" Dominic growled putting me behind him as he takes out his guns.

"Let me pass and I won't slit this poor little girl neck" he warns. "Autumn do what I taught you," Mason says as Autumn bites Travis hand causing him to let her go. 

Once Autumn was free she turns around kicking Travis in his manhood before running into my arms. Damn, I was wondering all those time why Autumn and Mason always hang together. He was training her.

"Paris" she whimpers as I hug her tightly.


"SHIT!!"Travis shrieks as I shot him in the leg. Walking up closer not before shooting him in his other leg.  Standing over him with my gun pointed at his head I decided to ask him a question.

"What do the Scorpion wants?" I asked. "What do you think they want Dominic? They want your precious little wolf" he chuckled. "Why?" I asked. " Because Mr.  Scorpio has taken an interest in the little faggot" he huffed. "AHH!" He screams as I dig my heel into his fresh wound.

"Just know this Dominic...when Mr. Scorpio wants something he gets it and this is only the beginning" he laughs but couldn't finish as I quickly shoot him in the head. "Such an annoying laugh, "I said.

"Paris" I called looking at him still hugging Autumn. "You have to train" I stated as Paris let's go of Autumn but still holding her hand. "What?" he gulped. 

"You're going to become my husband, which also means you and Autumn are now apart of the mafia" I explained. "I'll let the guys train you and Autumn, " I say as the guys look at me. "Don't worry I'll help you?" Zeus said catching my attention. "Thanks, "I returned before looking back at Paris and Autumn.

"Our wedding is only two days apart, so your training starts tomorrow" I declared. "Oh Thomas have this mess clean up" I ordered before walking up the stage.

The sooner I kill Scorpio the sooner I don't have to worry about Paris getting hurt. I'll kill myself befor that happens.


I know this chapter suck but the truth is...a bitch is tired.

I promise the next chapter will be better than this shitty one.

Anyways please don't forget to vote and comment!!


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