Wishmaster X Reader

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Somehow a month has gone by and you've managed to avoid the Wishmaster who's been trying desperately to get you to use your three wishes. "If only i hadn't found that dam gem..." "Oh but you did Y/N" you felt his hand snake onto your shoulder you look up at your mirror to see him behind you "give it a rest already im not wishing for anything" you said perfectly calm. He had a fake sad look on his face "your no fun to scare anymore" "good...now go away i need to work on my next art piece" you left him and the mirror and went to the extra room in your apartment where your art studio is.

Leaving the door open he managed to get a look at your drawing of him he noticed you were working on his eyes he could tell you've re done them over and over he smirked and strolled up behind you. "Wouldn't rather have the real deal to look at?" You jumped hearing his voice "well?" You sighed "fine...sit there and be still...quiet to would be wonderful" he was still smirking you rolled your eyes and began studying his. Glancing back and forth sketching carefully each detail then coloring in his eyes after sometime of sketching the silence began to bother you "what would you with for?" You blurted out. He looked at you shocked he never thought of that till he met you "well my dear i...id wish for you to be...m-my friend..." You looked at him a brow raised. "Your friend?"

He nodded "yes...you intrigue me i wish to know more about you" he chuckled you giggled a little "funny I'll admit you intereste as well Wishmaster". He smiled "really?" You nodded "hehe what do you wish to know?" You glared at him he wiggled his eyebrows causing you to laugh "dam you...um...just tell me your story Wishy" he gave you a really? Look "well alright ill tell you it all began back in...".

You nodded or responded every so often as he told you the tale of his existence "well i believe that's it...now tell me yours" he smiled... kindly?. As you look begin to tell him your life you notice he was looking around at your other artwork you smiled slightly after awhile "i believe that's my life Wishy". He growled "please don't call me that it's degrading" you sighed "then don't call me child its creepy my name is Y/N you know this" he nodded "deal you do not call me Wishy if i do not call you child" we shook on it.

You begin to put your art stuff away when Wishmaster spoke "Y/N?" "Hm?" He walked over to a table with several drawings of him not finished due to not having the eyes drawn in. "Why are these not finished?" You sighed "because the eyes i couldn't get right till today" "ah i see..." "Make a wish pun and i shatter that gem" he silenced "good evil genie". You leave the room him following you "I'd prefer not to be called that either Y/N" "well it's true though isn't it?" He sighed "your not wrong Y/N". You went and sat on the couch doodling in a sketchbook and the Wishmaster leaning over you with his chin resting on your head "can i help you?" "No...no you can't Y/N" "well you cant help me either" he slid his arms around you admiring you drawing you smiled to yourself not thinking you'd get along with him.

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