Jack X Reader

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Hiding with Wendy and stealthily trying to make your way around the hotel without being found by Jack while trying to find Danny was difficult. Jack almost lopped your head clean off if Wendy hadn't pulled you to safety what made Jack go nuts no one knows. Currently you two hid in the kitchen near the storage room grabbing anything that could be used as a weapon to defend against Jack. "Y/N do you think we'll find Danny?" Wendy asked holding back tears "Wendy i know we will find him we just...need to remain hopeful" she nodded you handed her a chef's knife while you held a meat cleaver. "Were closer to that golden room...maybe Danny's hiding under a table in there?" "Yeah...yeah he might let's go...quickly! Before Jack finds us..." you two began to quietly make your way out of the kitchen.

It was clear and a little too quiet "Wendy just let me have her and I'll take you too Danny~" the two of you whipped around to see Jack holding Danny and the axe threatening his neck. "Never! She's leaving with us Jack you've lost it!" He laughed loudly "i have most certainly not lost it...but Danny now...he might lose something" he chuckled. You and Wendy looked at eachother hoping for a solution then you sighed "fine...if you want me...come get me Torrance" he raised an eyebrow he smirked "alright...easier than i had hoped". He let go of Danny he ran to Wendy and they clung to eachother Jack got closer then you began running once Wendy and Danny caught on they ran the opposite way. Jack sighs "such a naughty girl teasing me like that..." He began stalking after you and you ran back the way you and Wendy came but passed the kitchen and carefully making your way around and down hallways to make your way to the maze. You stood frozen staring up at the large structure you took a deep breath and exhaled as you took your first step into it only to be grabbed from behind you let out a yelp you see the red of Jacks flannel coat being peppered by snow. Your eyes widened at the sight "hello Kitten... thinking of hiding from me?" You were shaking in his grasp due to the cold and him he noticed this and his gaze softened down at you.

"Oh Y/N I'm so sorry... let's get you inside and wrapped up in our bed" you tried to speak "n-n-no...l-let me g-go" you stuttered he chuckled. "You'll die out here if not by me...and i don't want to hurt you" he remained a strong grip on you while you squirmed in his grasp. "Kitten just rest now...please?" Quickly he held a funny smelling rag to your face your body relaxed and your eyelids fell faintly you could hear voices Wendys entered your ear you struggled to wake up but it wasn't happening. You didn't know how long had passed but you were bundled up in thick blankets and felt arms wrapped around you slowly you began waking up only to realize Jack had his arms around you. You didn't know how or what to feel anymore honestly you were terrified so you rolled over your eyes remaining closed and you scooted into Jack for some comfort. He chuckled and held you close "it's okay Kitten I'm here Wendy and Danny won't be able to separate us ever again" his voice sent shivers down your spine no way he could've gotten Danny or Wendy. He squeezed you lightly before kissing your forehead you opened your eyes slightly the room was dimly lit why the hell did you reveal you've been awake?. "There's my beautiful girl...have a good rest did you?" You shyly nod and hid your face against his chest.

He chuckles at this "aww don't be so shy...i know your not a shy girl Y/N" he felt you shaking "hey...h-hey what's wrong baby?" You look up to him with tears in your eyes. "Wh-what did you do to them? Jack what did you do?" He sighs "i was really hoping you'd forgotten about them" he growled. "Wendy i locked in the meat freezer and set it to below freezing....Danny is also with her i cornered her then threw him in" you hid your face once more beginning to sob he pats your back "hey now i did it for us...so i could be with you and have no interference...". You began shaking again he held you tightly and whispered "i did it for us kitten....i did it for you" you look up at him he takes his thumbs to wipe away those tears and has a soft smile on his face you nod "you did it for me..." You sniffed. He nods "mhm...now your mine forever and ever" you nod and smile slightly "and your mine forever and ever" he pecks your lips and puts his forehead against yours "finally i can say i love you Y/N" "i love you too" you whisper.

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