Victoria x Freddy

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Groggily Victoria rolled over to glance at the alarm clock  over on the nightstand she squinted and saw it said 1:30 PM she groaned and sat up with a hand to her head and pain in her body. It was Jason's Birthday and of course all of then even Freddy helped to make it a special one for him Vic, Freddy, Pinhead, and Pennywise all lived in a house together plenty big for the party so they asked Jason if he wanted to do it there. He thought it was a great idea so the planning began of course they involved his Girlfriend Samara she was stoked for what those guys had planned and made it happen Jason actually cried he was so happy. And all of them admired their work when they exchanged looks seeing Jason's reaction and when hours of partying had passed Freddy asked her to do the slowdance with him she was stunned. Apparently Pinhead knew he liked her and shoved him in her direction as DJ Tiff announced the slowdance, Freddy did try to sneak away for the record. She always kinda liked his smug face too but those two were best buds before his crush started so usually she kept those feelings to herself it was nice, Freddy's not half bad on his feet...he was even better off them. After that dance, several energetic songs, and a few edibles thems two started talkin she told him she noticed he's been off lately as the party grew near he did fess up instantly he's fallen madly fucking in love with her. Vic gladly admitted  she's kinda fallen too he was happy and so was she then after a few more dances those two were behind the garden shed lovin each other up then they heard Tiffany and Chucky IN the garden shed and those two quickly went to Freddy's bedroom on the first floor and closer to the both of them from the backyard.

He slashed her skirt off, she tore off his sweater, and hence this situation this morning she looked around and no Freddy she shrugged and was looking around for her clothes. Sighing she slid on her panties and picked up her bra from a pile in the bedroom Freddy keeps the house clean just not his bedroom adjusting her bust in her bra she stood up look for her bottoms and top. She glared as she held up her shredded mini skirt then eyes widening a little when she look in his mirror several love marks along her top half "fuck..." she breathed out not finding her top but his sweater hanging off the foot of the bed. She shrugged again plucking it from the bed she popped her neck and slid on his sweater with it hanging off one shoulder after straightening it out she headed out of his bedroom and to the kitchen she smelled coffee instantly. Turning the corner she saw Tiffany, Samara, TheRyRy, and Carrie sitting at either sides of the barcounter Tiffany almost spit taking her coffee Victoria flips them off "Don't, it was cold." She says in a not having it tone "What? >:3" TheRyRy smirks knowingly "be gone annoying conscious" Vic groans heading to the coffee pot "where are the men?" She asked rubbing her eyes. "They're getting our breakfast from Denny's" Carrie says before sipping her coffee "don't worry Victoria we got your usual too" Samara adds she nods in thanks before sipping her cup. "We're back!" Pinhead calls upon entering the kitchen the girls greet the men she gives them the sup nod Michael hands her a box of food she nods and starts to head to her bedroom.

Heading upstairs she sees Freddy waiting against the door he smiles after taking a bite of his food you give a lazy salute "mind if i dine with you?" He asks "little late Krueger" she says before opening her door and immediately going to sit on her bed. Obviously he follows and sits with her "sorry about the skirt" he says embarrassed she chuckles "it's fine i got plenty" she says waving it off  "and  about last night..." He starts. "Yes I'm your girlfriend now" she says with a mouth full of food he smiles "fuck yes! God now Pinhead will get off my ass about it" he says in relief laying back on her bed she snickers. "What?" Freddy groans knowing what she was thinking "you didn't get off mine last night..." She says pervertedly he sighs "there it is..." He says and smiles before moving to sit against the headboard "com'ere beautiful" he says holding his arms out for her. She smiles and gladly sits next to him with his arms around her instantly "thanks for breakfast pizzaface" she says setting the empty box off to the side he nods "not a problem, Jason figured you lovely ladies deserved it" he says sweetly "he's such a sweetheart, because of his ma of course but she's the sweetest thing" Vic says before scooting closer against him.

Freddy smirks a little "nice sweater baby" he teases "fuck you krueger you shredded my clothes" she says annoyed. "I did fuck you... multiple times" she sighs "are ya done yet?" She asks him annoyed he sighs pulling her on his lap to face them "this can't be a complete love hate relationship Vic, you know that right?" Freddy asks holding a hand to her cheek. "Sure it can, the ladies already know you're my bitch" she says so sure of it he scoffs "YOUR bitch?" He asks "i believe i had you facing the silk and on all fours moaning for more along with my name" she rolls hers eyes and cross her arms he chuckles and makes her look at him. "Never have i know a Cennobite to be submissive especially a sexy hardass like you Victoria i love that about you don't forget it please?" He asks sweetly she smiles a little "alright i won't pizzaface" she tells him he rolls his eyes but smiles. "I'll take that as an i love you Freddy" he says before kissing her gently "mh...i love you too Victoria" she says to him before wrapping her arms around his neck pulling herself closer to him. He smirks a little and looks at her up and down "are you wanting to go another round?" He asks curious "know i figured you'd want a little treat after breakfast" she says innocently before sliding her hands down her body to her hips and lifting the sweater slightly. He instantly pulls her legs up so she's laying on her back "I always got room for a little extra" he admits giving her a wink before pulling her into a deep kiss that would soon escalate.

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