Chapter 7

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I woke up surprisingly warm, engulfed in a cocoon of heat. The ground under me was hard and slightly uncomfortable for my shoulder and hip bone, but not so unbearable that I had to move. I was nice and cozy, surrounded by a warm, furry body—

My eyes shot open and I painfully staggered to my bruised and cracked feet. I whimpered slightly in pain. My muscles ached and bolts of pain travelled through all my being.

W-where am I? were the first words I sent down the link faster than a bullet.

You collapsed in the snow and I had to shift and carry you up here, came Fenris' sleepy reply.

He raised his big head from the dirt-covered stone ground and stared at me through half-open silver eyes.

Did you do anything to me?


Yesterday's conversation chose that particular moment to come back to mind.

Fenris, I told you we shouldn't stop! You should have shaken me awake and we could have kept on going!

You're hurt and you're suffering from extreme muscle exhaustion because you're not used to this kind of weather! You need to rest!

Fenris, I'm a Wolf. I can go on for ever and ever and ever.

In the sand maybe, but not in snow three feet deep when your fur is not that thick and you're just about two feet high. The only adaptation from the South that will work here will be the webs between your toes and your larger feet.

Oh, bother, Fenris. If you believe in it, you can do it.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Now lay back down while I go hunting.

I'm coming with you.

No you aren't.

Yes I am. I need to learn how to fight and hunt better.

Then I'll teach you how to fight when I come back, and the different scents of the animals around here when you're better.

     I stayed silent. I was neither agreeing not disagreeing, which left me quite a large maneuvering space.

Fenris shot me an unimpressed look, a strange expression to be showcased on a wolf's face.

I know what you're doing. Now, swear you'll do as I say.

I rolled my golden eyes, cursing him to Hells at the back of the mind link.

I heard that, Little Wolf. Cursing gentlemanly Wolves that merely want you to be safe and healthy is not nice.

I am not nice.

You aren't, but you're still good company.

He turned around and was halfway out of the cave when he shot me a look over his white-ish shoulder.

I'll know if you leave this cave.

     I rolled my eyes as I watched him leave. He wouldn't.

     I watched him stalk out of the cage, his muscles rippling only slightly under the extremely thick fur. The fresh layer of pure white snow crunched under his large paws as they sank slightly in the powdery substance. He would bring me back food, I was certain of that, and it was the only thing with which I trusted him. But still, I wouldn't let myself depend entirely on him. I couldn't. Because one day or another, he would be gone.

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