Chapter 39

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     Sahara was fairly certain there was no such thing as 'love at first sight'— maybe not even 'love' on its own. At least not for her, not in this society. She was too headstrong and rebellious and the males were too domineering and violent. However, as she gazed into the male—Geri—'s amber irises, she'd never felt less sure about that assumption.

     She didn't know what an anam was and wasn't sure how to act like one, but within her, like some sort of primal instinct, she wanted to protect this male, and feed him, and cuddle him, and heal him. Sahara had always been a very selfish she-Wolf, she couldn't deny it— she had to survive, and the only to two people important enough to live were herself and her sister. Everyone else could die. It had started changing when she'd taken on the role of Alpha—she was dominant enough—for her small Pack of females alongside Eclipse, and now she found herself needing to protect and help this Wolf.

     Protect and provide. Protect and provide. Protect and provide.

     It was like a mantra running through her head as she looked at him, the fierce urge making her swiftly stand up and stalk to the remnants of the previous morning's hunt. Grabbing the fallen, half-eaten elk by the antlers, she dragged the kill to the wounded male— Geri.


     He wasted no time in digging into the uneaten parts of the prey, savagely tearing at it. However, he was only able to take all of ten mouthfuls before he collapsed back onto the ground, exhausted already.

What's your name, Beauty? he asked down the bond, shifting slightly so he could get another good look at her.

I am Sahara, Alpha of the Shifting Shadows Pack.

Is it a new Pack? I never heard of it back when I was still here.

     She narrowed her eyes at him.

Which was?

Two thousand years ago.

Damn, you're an old mutt.

Technically, for an immortal, I'm fairly young.

You're still a pedophile.

Am I still a pedophile if both parties are consenting?

Shut up. I'm not old enough to know the answer.

Stop mocking my age, young one. I'm still very powerful.

Indeed, especially in your current state.

Hey! I was fighting off about twenty mercenaries sent by Luna to destroy my twin and I!

Who's Luna?

     Geri froze. How could he explain? Luna wasn't exactly described by a few words. She was plenty of various things, sickening and evil.

She's a fallen Daughter of Ghealach the Silver. She killed a Wolf and angered her mother, who cursed her to the Wolf Dimension. She soon discovered the only way she could go back to Nèamh was if she killed a hidden Daughter of Sneachd the Frozen and Teine the Burning. That Daughter was Amarok's mother's wild. She died not long after giving birth to Amarok and her best friend left the pup in the middle of Deep Snow City where she grew up in the streets. Nobody really knew her. It's what kept her safe all those years, until her power started to expand and the Alpha of the North Clan noticed her and banned her from the Clan. She didn't obey, of course, and just left, but she'd already caught Luna's attention. In the end, Amarok sacrificed herself to kill Luna. However, it appears that both have come back.

Geri saw his mate stiffen, muscles tensing underneath the thick sandy gray coat. Her eyes flashed dangerously and a rumbling growl rose in her throat.

According to Poppy, our Wolfseer, Cassandra is a reincarnation of Amarok. If she is right, then Luna obviously doesn't know who she's up against because Cassandra is a fucking badass and has an enormous amount of power. She was Alpha in her soul before she was Alpha in power.

Good then. But I still have to get to her. She is my Queen, just like you are my soulmate.

She is my Queen too.

A wave of understanding washed over the bond, a calming smell eliciting from both the wolves.


Eclipse stared at Freki as his features started blurring until his fur melted away and all that was left was a naked man on the brown grass of the clearing, his muscular body lathered in pale scars. He had jet black hair that reached just above his shoulders, amber eyes, a square jaw, a straight nose and pink lips turned up in a mischievous grin.

"You gonna join me?" even his voice made her shiver, all dark promises and bonfires.

You should eat first, and rest more because your wounds are still healing.

"You're my soulmate though— if you lick them they'll heal faster," he teased, devilish grin widening.

     The scent of mischief, like a hundred kittens and puppies, permeated the air as Eclipse drew closer to the hot male. Tentatively, torturously slowly, she stuck out her tongue and swiped at a long gash that stretched from the right side of his toned abdomen to his left pectoral muscle.

     She felt every muscle twitch and tense under her touch, and the air around them was saturated with the heavy, hot smell of lust.

"Okay, no. I won't be able to control myself if you keep doing that and even I can admit I am in no shape to worship you correctly right now," Freki forcefully gritted out as his soulmate's tongue left his body.

     In no time, his human body blurred into his wolf state and he settled on the ground at Eclipse's feet.

Did you find my twin? he asked, almost as if he were hesitating to know the answer.

Yes, I think it was him, she nodded towards the other corner of the clearing, where a sandy gray she-wolf was cuddling a black male wolf, He's there, with Sahara. Are they, she hesitated, soulmates?

Yes, they are. Thank Gods he's alive. I don't know how I'd survive without him.

Welcome both to our Pack, the Shifting Shadows Pack.

Why Shifting Shadows?

Because we don't belong to one place. We're new, we haven't settled, and we probably won't. We're as mobile as shadows, and as dangerous as them.

A/N) Sorry for the long wait! I was in Kyiv, Ukraine for a speech contest (that I didn't win, though the familiarity between students from the school hosting it and the school's judges is very suspicious when you see the results of mediocre speeches) and didn't have time to write or post the chapter, but HERE IT IS PEOPLE!!!
Comment your thoughts (I love critics), vote, share, whatever you feel like doing❤️
- Lexie

Cats or dogs?

Dragons, really...😂😂😂

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