Chapter 1

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I was walking home in the dark after I got off work. With a tired sigh, I headed across the street but stops when I heard hushed voices talking in the dark ally. "Where's my fucking money old man?" A deep voice growled. "I-I thought we are going to give you the money tomorrow?" Another voice said. I assumed it was the old man. 

I heard a sigh. "No, I said today is the day you will be handing me, my money." The man with the deep voice said.

"Please, I have a family, I will give the money to you tomorrow." The old man cried out.

"Well, I don't care if you have a family or not. You should have given me the money and you wouldn't have this problem now would you?" The deep voice said sarcastically. I could imagine the eye roll just by the sound of his voice.

"What-what if you had a fam-" suddenly a gunshot go off making me jump.

"Shouldn't have talked about my family and now you are dead, meaning no money." The deep voice mumbles then let out a sigh.

'I need to get the hell out of here before I get myself killed' I thought.

I turned around only to run into something or should I say, someone. Hard.

"Well, well, well, look at what we have here? A little Dove flew by to snoop." A male voice said, above me making me look up at him. "Hey, boss, come here for a sec. You are not going to believe this."

"What now, Bryan?" The deep voice that sounded familiar behind me said. Bryan pushed me making me fall backward and was caught by a pair of strong arms.

I looked up at him and met with a beautiful, but cold blue eyes glaring down at me with a cigarette in his mouth. "Who are you and who are you working for?" he demanded. "Uh... I-I'm not working for anyone. I was just wal-walking ho-home." I stuttered as a chill ran through my bones.

"You're a pretty little thing." He takes a hit from his cigarette and turns his head to the side to blow out the smoke then licked his lips as he turns back to look at me. "I think... I might keep you-" I cut him off and kneed him in the place where it doesn't shine and slipped right out of his arms and ran. I hear him let out a hiss in pain. "Son-of-a-bitch!"

"GET HER!" I heard him yell.

Shit! I pushed myself to go faster hearing heavy footsteps behind me.

'Almost there, almost there' I chanted in my head "Man is this girl a track star? shes fucking fast."

In fact, yes, I did track before but that was in seven through tenth grade. 

I turned into an alley and hid behind a dumpster making me plugged my nose 'yuck it stinks' I made a silent gagging noise. I let out a long sigh.

I heard voices coming but slowly fade away as they walked away. I peeked out to see if it was clear. When I didn't see them I made my way out from behind the dumpster and started a short walk to the closest house that I can think of... Harley Fox.

During my walk, I couldn't help to wonder. Who were those guys? I've never seen them around town before. Then again this isn't the best part of town anyone can come and go as they please. Will those guys come looking for me? The one guy did say he was going to keep me. Should I tell the police? What if they come and kill me or worse hurt my loved ones?

Harley's been my friend since we were little. Harley didn't have the best life growing up. That's why she's so mean towards every outsider that comes into our very little friend group.

My house is a long way to walk and I really don't want to stay out here any longer. When I got there, I ran up to her doorstep and banged my fist on the door several times till the door opened with a tired angry Harley.

"What do you want Art?" She groaned. "I-I was being chased," I said a little out of breath. "again." She nodded and open the door for me to walk in, "I will go and grab some stuff to sleep with." she walked away. I hate living here knowing that my friends and I could get hurt or worse killed. A 19-year-old girl like me shouldn't be walking home late at night but I didn't have a car. I'm really poor and struggled to live. I can barely keep my house knowing that I have a stack of bills on my kitchen table. I can't have my friends to take me to work and back. I can't afford gas money. They told me that I wouldn't have to pay but I couldn't bring myself to use them like that. 

This always happens to one of us, so she knows what it's like. It's because we live in a really bad town with gangs and street fighters. That's constantly trying to kidnap or pick up fights, but we are used to it. We grew up in this town. As much as I hate it here. I can't help to love this town at the same time (if that made sense). I tried to get Harley and myself out of this town but Harley said she didn't want to leave. I can't just leave her here. Not only that where am I able to go? It's not like I had money to buy a house. I can hardly afford the house I am living in now! Remember this money doesn't grow on trees no matter how old they are, is what my mum used to say before the accident. 

Five minutes later, she came back with pillows, blankets, and PJs and hands them to me.

I muttered a 'thanks' to her and she nodded going to bed. I got on the PJs that Harley gave to me and made my bed on the couch and fell asleep. Thinking about those guys on my mind.

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