Chapter 5

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My eyes snapped open in seconds and more to realize that someone's arms are wrapped around my waist. I slowly turn over to see Reyes sleeping peacefully.

Suddenly, he lets out a loud snore in my bloody ear!

Oh. My. Gosh.

I screamed and pushed away, falling off the bed and onto the floor with an 'oomph'.

"AHH! Can you be any louder?" I screamed out.

My head towards the bed when I hear a grunt then a deep raspy voice. "What the hell-"

Reyes appeared above from the bed with a small smirk. "Are you ok little kitten- wait why are you on the floor?" He chuckled as I glared at him.

"Oh, I don't remember oh, wait! I do. I woke up in someone's room that not mine because of someone kidnapping me!" I yelled as I pointed my pointer finger at him. I wince because of the bruise on my face still hurts. Yelling didn't make it feel any better.

I get up off the floor and started walking towards the door. I went to open the door, but it was slammed shut before I could walk out.

Reyes spun me around pushing my back against the wall and growled in my ear. "You are not going anywhere, little kitten."

I looked up at him dead in the eyes and said. "Yes I am, now let me fucking leave!"



"No. kitten."

Now, my blood is boiling. 


His eyes turned black and he growled.

Did I go a little too far?

I was snapped out of my trance when I felt two hands wrap around my neck and squeezing it to cut off my airway. Not this again.

"R-Reyes s-stop c-can't breathe" I chocked out, clawing at his hand.

Suddenly, I started to see black dots cover my vision, but it cleared up when he loosens his grip in my neck.

He leaned in and whispers in my ear. "You will not leave this house unless I say, but if you do I will track that pretty ass of you and I will punish you so hard you won't be able to stand up then I will fuck you until your brains fall out. Do not test my patience." He growled making me whimper. I clenched my legs together and bit my lips not wanted to give him that reaction. He nibbles on my ear lobe. He's fucking crazy. He's messing with my head and I won't let it happen.

He let go of me letting me drop on the floor. I choked out with a sighed in relief. "Get dressed for the day." I nodded and grabbed my clothes from yesterday and went to the bathroom.

Why? Why me out of all people in the sea? Why not someone from the stripper club a few miles downtown that is willing to give him what he wants? That will be willing to have his attention. Why am I feeling this attraction towards him? I felt like a horny dog when he choked me out. I sighed. I could have died if he went too far, but yet I like it. I like the words he had said to me. Maybe, I'm just as crazy as he is...

As my thoughts flow through my head. I had to snap out of it. He's a monster and I shouldn't let him break me even if he wanted too. I finish getting dressed. I look at myself in the mirror and shook my head. I look like crap. I had tear stains on my red cheeks. My right side of my face is still a darkened black and blue color. I look closely at the mirror and gasps when I see a red/back and blue handprints around my neck. Oh my... 

I need to get out of here as soon a possible. I can't stay here.

I turned on the sink and splashed my face with water. I turned off the water and dried my face with a towel. I walked out to where that monster is, but he wasn't there.

Wait? Where did he go?

I walked up to the door and opened it.

Ah-ha! Yes, it was unlocked.

I went downstairs and went straight to the kitchen to see a note on the table I picked it up and read it out loud. "I working outside so you need to clean the house and need to get dinner ready by the time I get in." I groaned out loud.

Fucking asshole putting me to work like I'm his fucking slave. 

I flipped the paper over to see if there was more and there was.

"P. S. Stop complaining just get it done and over with. The cleaning stuff is in the far end of the kitchen all the stuff you need is in that closet. Don't even think about escaping.

Oh, and one more thing I want lasagna :)"

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and sighed. I've been stuck here working my ass off and ever since this morning I haven't seen Reyes.

I've made lasagna. It smells really good, but I won't eat it without Reyes. I'm afraid that would hit me again.

There is no way out of here. I even tried the front door, the windows, and the back door and I couldn't get it to open.

This is stupid. Reyes is stupid, but mostly I'm stupid. I wished I had Dom take me home that night, but I thought nothing bad would ever happen. Who am I kidding! That town is full of gangs and druggies. I just want to go home. I just realized something are we still in town? I will have to ask him about it later.

I made my way out of the kitchen and went to the living room. I set down on the couch and turned on the TV. I watched TV for a bit, but started to get sleepy and couldn't keep my eyes opened for any longer.

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Luv ya

Peace out. 

The Monster Wants Me (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن