Chapter 9

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(A/N: Very dirty part in the beginning so be aware:)

I woke up someone's finger touching my cheek then moves to my lips. "Humm." I moaned. "So beautiful my little kitten." His hushed voice said. "I'm so glad I have you all to myself." He kissed my neck. I groaned away. 

I fluttered my eyes open, blinking trying to adjust to the sunlight that's shining through the curtains.

I turn my head to look at Reyes and cleared my throat. "Um, Reyes you're touching me in the butt." I blushed as he let out a chuckle and pressed himself more up against me.

"R-Reyes." I moan as he kisses my neck. His lips moved up to my ear and nibble on my earlobe.

I felt his hand trail up my thigh, to my panties. "Reyes s-stop." I throw my head back in pleasure when he touches me. "I'm going to make you feel so good, baby kitten you'll love it."

He breathes in my ear, making me shiver and blush. Then he moves down in between my legs, making me gasp when I felt his tongue.

I grabbed his soft hair, pulling on it making him groan; which is the sexiest sound I've ever heard in my entire life.

Suddenly, I snapped out of my pleasurable trance. "R-Reyes we n-need to stop." Somehow I had the strength and slapped him. Hard. That got Reyes to stop real fast, He whips back do to shock causing him to grip my legs letting me know that he is not happy about the smack.

"NO!" Reyes growled, gripping onto my thighs harder making me whimper. His eyes black from lust and anger. "Your mine kitten I can do whatever I want to you, your MINE."

"I-im sorry," I said a little frightened. He lets out a dark chuckle and gets off of me. "Get ready we are going out to get new clothes for ya as much as I love to see you in my clothes I need them to wear." He walked out and closed the door.

Wow, bipolar much what the hell. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine and mine that's all I hear out of his mouth.

I'm not a freaking object if he wants one then go to those fake plastic bitches, not me. I ain't one of them. I gripped my hair and tugged in anger. 

I got up out of bed and got dressed. I feel so dirty I didn't know what just happened. I was never touched like that in my life. I never had sex with anyone. I wasn't noticed by a lot of guys in my school other than Dalton and Dominic. I just worried about making it out of high school.

Suddenly, my thought where interrupted by the door opening.

"Hiya! I'm Lillyan, you can call me Lilly and I am supposed to get you ready. Ok, I have a couple of options for clothes that you can wear. Then, I also have different kinds of hair dye that you can choose from. And I have contacts for ya also to keep you from being spotted!" She said all in one breath while smiling.

"I-um." Was all I said. "Come darling sit. We have to get you ready before Reyes has my head." I walk towards her and slowly sit down.

"Ok, so I'm going to dye your hair first. What color do you want? I have all kinds." I shook my head. I ain't having my hair died. "I'm not dying my hair."

"Come on you have too. Reyes won't be happy if I didn't and don't worry it will come out." I sighed.

"Ok, ok, fine. I want my hair to be a light brown." She smiles and jumps up and down clapping and got started when it went through the process of dying my hair. It was time to wash it out and dry it.

"Ok so we are going to do your make-up then you get to decide what outfit you want. Sound good?" I nodded.

In 20 minutes, she was done with my make-up and put in brown contacts to hide my natural greenish blue eye color.

Then, I got to choose my outfit. I picked out a red flannel and a white cami, black ripped skinny jeans and gray vans.

"Wow," I said, looking in the mirror. "That doesn't even look like me at all. You did a good job at this, but don't you think it's a little too much. We are only going clothes shopping."

Lilly smiled. "Well... we have to keep you hidden as much as possible." I looked at her. "Um... Are all of you crazy and what are you to Reyes?" I asked trying to not sound jealous. Wait...what am I saying? I'm not jealous, am I??

She giggled like a crazy lady. "Most of us, but not all of us," I backed away from her, scared that she could kill me any second. "Oh, and to your second question I'm Reyes's cuz."

What the fuck? No wonder they got the good looks it must run in the family. I scoffed lightly. 

"Ok, let's go downstairs if we wait around a little longer, Reyes would think I help you escape." She said grabbing my hand and walked out of the room.

Once, we got halfway down the stairs. I felt eyes on my body, making me shiver; knowing it's Reyes.

When we got to the last step Lilly pushed me towards Reyes. Reyes caught me in his arms like when we first met. I looked up at his blue eyes seeing him staring into mine with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Ok, so here the rules," way to ruin the moment. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"You acted as my girlfriend, you will always smile. And I wouldn't mind if you sneak a couple of kisses here and there," he smirked.

"There will be no running off you'll stay by my side at all times. You will not speak to anybody unless I say or there will be consequences. You got all that?" I nodded.

"Use your words kitten." He warned. "Yes, Reyes," I said. "Oh, and one more thing if you think about or even trying to run away. I will find you and I will do more than biting you with my teeth. Do you understand?" I nodded again. "Yes, Reyes."

Then we left.

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Peace out. 

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