Chapter 3

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After that date with Amber. She dropped me off at the library because she had something to do today.  I like to go to the library when I am stressed or I needed to clear my head. Mainly, it's something that I like to do. I just hope that those guys won't follow me here.

I sighed and closed the 'To Kill A Mockingbird' book and rub my neck to loosen the pain. I tensed when I felt someone's large hand starts massaging my neck, but relaxed and moaned. When I know who it is.

I heard a deep chuckle behind me. "You like that, Artsy?" I nodded. Dalton has the best hands. You see Dalton and I was best friends since diapers. Dalton works here at the library. That boy loves reading books just as much as I do. 

Both Dalton and his twin brother were always overprotective of me they're like the brothers I've never had and that's what made me love them.

Dalton and I used to date in high school but broke up because it didn't work out. We didn't have the spark that we thought we had. So we broke up because we didn't want to ruin our friendship when things went wrong. "Ya feeling better Artsy?" blushing at the name, I nodded.

Suddenly, I have gotten this weird feeling that someone is watching me I looked around to see who it was, but didn't find anybody. "You look stressed," Dalton said. "Yeah, it's all these killings and work." I partly lied. I kid you not, I love to work, but the gangs and fighting can scare me a little."

I was telling the truth, but I couldn't tell him about that guy in the alley cause knowing him, he would probably try to pick a fight with him and we all know that it wouldn't end well.

"Aww, I wish I can take all the pain away for ya. I don't like it when you're sad." He said in a baby voice pouting. "I don't even understand the book "To Kill A Mockingbird" Why do Jem and Scout call their dad Atticus instead of dad?"

Once, Dalton and I said our goodbyes. I went home, well more like walked. When I got home, I jumped in the shower for a bit. I jumped out and dried off with a towel and went to get my work clothes on. I put my hair up in a hair ponytail. I rubbed my lips together feeling that it was chapped. I pulled out chapstick out of my pocket and rubbed the substance over my lips coding them nice. When I was done applying the chapstick on my lips. I put it back in my pocket and smacked my lips together.

I grabbed my phone to check if I had any notification I only had one. I clicked on it and read it. It was from my boss. 'You will need to be doing Linda shift for the night.'

I groaned. Linda is always out. I don't know why she's even still working there. I delete the message and put my phone in my back pocket and grabbed my purse and went to work.

I don't have time to deal with people's shit.

Ugh, I wish I can stay at home and sleep in my nice warm bed.

I got to work and from the start, it was already slow. So as long and painful as it was I ready to go back home. Normally it's slow and when it is it's boring.

Currently, I'm here cleaning tables, but stop when I hear the doorbell ring.

I looked up and froze, when I saw the 4 guys from today walking in, they looked around and stopped when their eyes landed on me. They walked up to me. The man with the evil dark eyes smirks down at me. I wish I can just curl up in a hole and die. Why are they everywhere I go now? 

"It's rude to stare and not ask us if we want anything, little kitten." He said with a smug on his face making me growl. I had enough with this guy.

 "What can I get you?" I grumbled out and grabbed 4 menus for them. I took them to an open booth and handed them the menus as they took a seat.

"Looks like someone is mad, hard day at work? Don't worry, kitten. I'm here to make you feel better, come sit on my lap." He patted his lap.

"No! I have to go back to work just tell me what you want so I can just get for you so you can leave me alone and I don't even know you n-" He cuts me off.

"It's Reyes McCoyed," Damn even his name sounds sexy, "And with at bloody attitude of yours I'm thinking that I should give you a punishment," he said smirking.

"Umm... No-no thanks just please tell me what you want." I said getting nervous and annoyed. "Black coffee," Reyes said.

"Confetti Pancakes shaped like a smiley face." Bryan, I think said, with a big smile making everyone look at him.

Reyes signed shaking his head. He turns back to look at me. His eyes darkened with lust. I shivered in fear but a feeling that I've never felt before. I blushed and look away and turn to the other guys whose name I don't know. "Beer." He crumbled out while looking down at his phone. I wrote it down on the note pad. I turned to look at the other guy's name who I also don't know said: "Coke please." I smiled and nodded at least one of them was polite. 

I wrote everything down on my notepad. "Ok is that it?" I asked and they all nodded.

"Ok, I will be back with your orders." I started to head in the kitchen, but earned a slap in my bum, by the name of Reyes. I glared at him and went into the kitchen.

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