to olivia

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To my younger cousin, who is struggling with depression and the hate of others and tells me "you always know just what to say, when to say it, how to do so, how?"

Olivia, it takes more energy to be hurtful than nice. And it takes a whole lot of energy to stand back up after you've been knocked down. Learn to Ballance your ways so that you can be positive. Take this world and learn your piece. And yes not peace, piece. You are apart of this world and you are an individual. And being one in this world you have individual responsibilities. The world is full of anger and hate. Only because others are too weak to be the difference. But when you learn that being the difference is a lot better beneficially in the end, you don't have hate. Your world revolves around keeping simplicity. I have love for the hated and the haters, And its because I give out to the world. And maybe every once in a while. It will make a huge difference. Even a smile. And I undoubtedly look forward to that.

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