A Blessing [S2:E19]

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| June 3| Sunday Afternoon |

~ Sam's POV ~

The summer heat was scorching as I made my way to my car. I was going to meet Blair for lunch to talk over some things that were long overdue. Plus, I needed a pep talk, for this upcoming week.

I cranked my car to life and rolled my windows down. There was now a sense of ease about the days. There was no tension, or angst about Nikki or Mariah or anything else. Things felt back to normal, which was bittersweet.

I pulled up to the diner we were meeting at and saw Blair sitting in the window already checking out the menu. I raced towards the door to join her.

"About time," she claimed. "I was about to eat without you."

"You're so dramatic."

"You know I love my food, Sam."

I sat across from her and ordered a drink from the server. The place was pretty empty, but I didn't mind.

"So, you and Megan are flying out tomorrow?" Blair wondered.


"Do you need someone to drive you to the airport?"

"That would be great," I added.

"Yeah, well, I gotta pick up Charlie anyway." Blair stirred her water. "When are y'all coming back?"

"Flying back Thursday," I informed. "I'll text you the details."

We settled into light conversation paired with just a hint of banter before ordering some food. There was no rush since today was Sunday and the semester had ended. Just for a moment, this felt nostalgic.

"Are you nervous?" Blair asked.

I shrugged. "Not really. I'll either like the guy or I won't. My gut will tell me all I need to know."

Blair still seemed to be in her head about it all. I knew the idea of me possibly moving hurt her. It hurt me too. A lot. But I couldn't let pain and fear of the unknown hold me back from experiencing things. Blair still had two years of uni left. She had things holding her here.

"God, I can't imagine you not being around," she admitted.

Her words tore at my heart. I knew this was one of the things we had needed to talk about today, but no matter how much I tried to prepare myself, it still hurt like hell.

"It's not final, Blair-"

"You and Megan have been discussing moving away from Missouri for a while," she interrupted. "And I don't blame y'all. I really don't."

I remained silent, so she could speak.

"The job decision isn't final, but you two have already made up your minds." She looked at me. "And Shawn and Casey live there, so why wouldn't you go?"

"Because we have family here, we have friends..."

"And enemies, and old students, and a past..." Blair shook her head. "It's a chance to start over where no one knows you. Where you and Megan can finally be together."

She was right. She was saying everything I had pitched to Megan ever since Shawn and Casey had called. And she was right, Megan and I had pretty much made up our minds to move away from Missouri, long before this job offer was on the table.

Things seemed to be falling into place for us, but unfortunately, with opportunity came sacrifice. That's the only thing I couldn't let go of.

I couldn't let go of leaving my best friend.

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