Season 3: Episode 7

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| August 12 | Sunday Afternoon |

~ Sam's POV ~


The delicate whisper echoed through the dark and threatened to disrupt the peace I felt.

Sam... it spoke again, this time a little louder. I groaned and felt my body toss and turn as I felt the safety of sleep slipping away. I didn't want to get up. The exhaustion was still lingering in my bones.

"Sam," Megan called. "It's time to get up."

Now that I had been fully resurrected, I allowed my tired eyes to open and peer at Megan in the doorway. There she stood with readers on her nose and a mug of something hot in her hands.

"Is that coffee?" I asked groggily.

"It is." She glided over to me and sat on our bed. "I would let you sleep longer, but Blair is flying in today, remember?"

Blair was... flying My exhaustion from working until two in the morning last night was gone at the thought of my best friend. Megan was right! Blair would be here soon, and I needed to head to the airport to pick her up!

I shot up and mumbled, "Shit."

"Here." Megan offered me the mug off coffee. "What time are you supposed to pick her up?"

After a small sip and a deep breath, I looked at the clock on the wall. Was it seriously already two in the afternoon? I needed to be at the airport in an hour, and the drive from our house was a good thirty-minute drive, which meant I needed to get up now.

"She told me three." I stood from our bed. "Which means I need to get dressed."

"Okay," Megan answered. "Maybe we can grab a late lunch when you two get back? Does that sound good?"

"Yes." I pecked her on the cheek. "Good idea."

I hurried to ready myself to leave and kept my phone on me in case anything changed, and Blair needed to contact me. The excitement of seeing her was overwhelming, and I mentally kicked myself for sleeping so late instead of readying the guestroom. How had this week totally slipped by me?

Then, out of nowhere, my phone rang. I looked down to see Blair's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey," I answered.

"Hey, we just landed," she informed. "Are you here?"

"Leaving now." I grabbed my keys. "I should be there in about twenty to thirty minutes."

"Wow, I'm surprised you didn't forget about me," Blair teased.

I laughed to myself. "How could I?"

"It's literally in your DNA."

A quick wave to Megan and I was out the door, my phone pressed tightly between my cheek and shoulder as I started my car.

"Yeah, well, I actually did until Megan woke me up and reminded me about thirty minutes ago."

"I can't believe you."

"Oh c'mon¸I've been working my ass off this week."

"And yet, somehow that has nothing to do with your best friend in the whole world flying out to come and see you."

A laughed escaped my mouth as I picked up speed. The anticipation of catching up with Blair was clouding my judgement. I had so much to tell and show her.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. "We're thinking of having a late lunch if you are. There's a restaurant I really want you to try."

"You know I'm always hungry," she said. "You don't even have to ask."

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