Season 4: Episode 15

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| May 26th | Sunday Morning |

~ Sam's POV ~

Sunday morning my eyes open early despite the fact that I don't have work. I roll over and check the time, only to find Charlie sitting on the floor staring up at me. Her hopeful eyes beg for me to get up and take her on a walk, so I sigh heavily and roll over to Megan who's still fast asleep.

"Babe..." I whisper while rubbing her back.

She groans in protest, but peeks through her half-closed eyelids anyway.

"Would you wanna come walk with me and Charlie this morning?" I ask.

She groans again and doesn't sound intrigued by the idea. I scoot closer so my front is touching her back and the warmth of our bodies mingle under the sheets. Then I bring my face down to kiss the inside of her neck. This causes her to stir a little bit more.

"I'd really like it if you came with us..." I tease in her ear.

"Fine," she resistantly obliges. "I'll come with you."

I spring out of bed to make coffee and ready Charlie for her walk. She excitedly wags her tail when Megan emerges from the bedroom. I hand her a cup of coffee, exactly how she likes it of course.

She takes a sip and smiles, humming in approval.

"Charlie's also really glad you've decided to join us," I say.

"Oh, I'm sure she is," Megan mocks as she kisses me lightly.

I clip Charlie's leash to her harness, then we leave the house for our morning stroll. We usually don't walk Charlie all that much since we do have a decent sized backyard, but every once in awhile we like to let her roam and sniff. After a few minutes of serine silence, I decide to break it once I think Megan's awake enough for conversation.

"So, I was thinking..." I start. "Maybe we can grab some brunch before we go shopping for our courthouse attire."

"Brunch, huh?" Megan ponders the thought. "That doesn't sound half bad, actually."

"It's been awhile since I've had a Sunday morning off, so I think we should take advantage of it."

"Sure. I could go for a mimosa or two."

We continue our walk, and despite the heat of the morning, it's still something I find very enjoyable. One thing I've tried implementing more in my life is just being present in the moment, without the worry of the past or future. It's made me appreciate all the little things I once usually looked over. As the comforting thought crosses my mind, my hand instinctively reaches for Megan's.

And as if she's read my mind, a quick squeeze of reassurance tells me she feels the same.


We end up at one of our favorite brunch spots and sit across from each other. Megan, who doesn't have a lot of opportunity to dress up, wears a gray and white floral dress. Her dark waves are pulled into a relaxed half-up style with her signature red lip. When her ice-blue eyes look up from her menu, a sleek eyebrow raises in response.

"Are you staring at me?" she asks.

"I prefer the term admiring," I tease.

"Oh yeah?" She laughs. "Well, then I guess I'll let it slide."

I feel her foot rub up against my shin under the table and allow the playfulness of the situation to make me blush. There were many times throughout our relationship where I figured the butterflies would stop, but it never really happened.

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