Season 3: Episode 1

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| June 6 | Wednesday Night |

~Sam's POV~

As much as I wanted to enjoy the dinner with Shawn, Casey, and Megan, I couldn't help but think myself to death about later. I had told Shawn I wanted an early dinner for a reason, but it was now six-thirty, and it would be dark within the next hour to hour-and-a-half. The conversation was going strong but all I wanted to do was get out of here while I was still pumped and ready to propose. I continued to anxiously fumble with the velvet box in my pocket.

"Babe?" Megan said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I gave her a reassuring smile. "Just takin' it all in."

She returned my smile as I locked eyes with my brother, signaling that it was time to end this dinner. I had plans, dammit.

Shawn got the hint.

"Well..." He wiped his mouth and placed his napkin on his plate. "I'm excited to finally not have to miss you two all the time."

We stood after dropping cash on the table and said our goodbyes. I was practically shaking in my shoes at the realization that if I was going to do this tonight, I needed it to go as planned. I wanted it to be everything Megan had dreamt about for years.

I wanted it to be perfect.

"How does a walk on the beach sound?" I wondered aloud. "Since it's our last night here for a bit?"

Megan practically beamed. "I'd love that."

We caught a ride to a beach I knew had extensive walking distance. I needed to gather my thoughts. I knew all the things I wanted to say, but forming them into a proposal? Well, that was a little bit harder for me. Would I stutter over my words? Drop the ring? Embarrass myself?

Would Megan say no?

No. I couldn't think like that. Megan wouldn't say no... would she? I mean, she's been mentioning it left and right. Hell, we even looked at rings together! She seemed all for it... So why was I having doubts?

"You're still awfully quiet," Megan said as we pulled up to the public beach. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, babe." I grabbed her hand as we made it onto the white sand. "There's just a lot going on in my mind right now."


"Like..." I paused. "Moving, money, Blair... everything. There's a lot of weight on my shoulders."

I was stalling a bit, hoping Megan wouldn't suspect my plans. I wanted it to be a surprise. As we walked, I listened to the waves crash against the shore as the sky turned many shades of pink and orange. The sun was slowly setting over a horizon of deep blue. It was so tranquil. I tried to let the scene help me relax.

"You know you're not alone in this, right?" Megan wondered. "We are doing this together."

"I know."

I spotted a pier that extended into the Gulf. That's where I wanted to do it. Right as the sun was setting over the sea. It would be perfect. Suddenly, I was eager to ask Megan to marry me. Suddenly, there were no doubts.

Soon we were ascending the wooden steps and making our way toward the end of the pier. There weren't many people, which I was grateful for. I wanted this to be as intimate as possible.

"God, the sunset is so beautiful," Megan admired as she leaned on the railing.

I studied her in admiration. The salty air whipped her dark hair around her face. Her skin was sun-kissed from Florida's rays. I couldn't help but think it looked good on her. She looked so at ease. So... natural. It was a thing of beauty. How could I have ever had any doubt in the world that she was the one for me?

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