Like Real People Do

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Listen to "Like Real People Do" by Hozier

AN//: I know usually when I say listen to a song it's just a suggestion to help with visuals but you HAVE to listen to this song, it's so beautiful and it's perfect for Johnlock. If you're someone who can't listen to music and read then listen to the song first!!

Sherlock never said "I love you" to John. He never hugged him, or kissed him, no matter how much he wanted too. But just because he never spoke the words, didn't mean they were any less true. Instead he expressed his love in the only way he knew how... He spoke his love through their shared smiles and endless laughs. Through their drunken nights, and mornings spent watching the telly in their armchairs. He spoke his love though his longing stares, through sharing his cases with John. He spoke his love through his deductions, through his utter devotion to the doctor. He had been subtle, yes, but he'd always assumed that John had known. The man wasn't an idiot. How could he not realise Sherlock's complete infatuation with him? Everyone else seemed to know. 


John never said "I love you" to Sherlock. Not because he didn't want to, but because he knew Sherlock would never say it back. Instead he told him everyday how much he meant to him, through his constant compliments about his deductions, through reassuring Sherlock that he was a great man, a good man. Through reminding him that he was his best friend, that he changed John's life forever, for the better. Through not complaining about Sherlock's temper or experiments nearly as much as he should. Through always getting the groceries, because he knew Sherlock couldn't stand the supermarket. Through every "brilliant", "spectacular", and "amazing" he was internally screaming "I love you." If only Sherlock felt the same.


"Why don't you just kiss him? Like real people do?"

Lestrade's words echoed in Sherlock's mind as he stood before John in the Baker Street living room. He was panting, out of breathe from running halfway across London. He had felt John's gaze on him, moving his head so that their eyes met, and now he couldn't breathe at all.

"John, I..." here goes, nothing to lose... Well everything to lose.

"John I've been - I have... I - I want no no I need... I need to tell you that I... that I... I lo - I lov - I - um I... ah fuck it."

Sherlock reached down, cupping Johns face as he brought their lips together haphazardly. John staggered back in shock, falling towards the couch. His hand reached out as he feel, gripping onto Sherlock's shirt. The pair landed in an akward tangled heap. John gazed up at Sherlock, his lips parted in surprise, he slowly brought his hand to Sherlock's cheek, a ghost of a smile spreading across his face. He moved his hand along Sherlock's face, brushing his cheekbones, before running then through the curls of his hair. His grip behind Sherlock's neck tightened, and he closed his eyes. Slowly pulling his face down towards him, allowing their lips to connect again. Their lips moved in perfect symphony, their bodies molding together as if they were made for one another, for this moment and for this very purpose. Every thought left Sherlock's mind, his brain and body becoming consumed with John, his John. He smiled into the kiss, savoring the sweet feeling of John's lips against his own.


Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips

We should just kiss like real people do

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