Chapter 81- 85

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Chapter 81 – Archers

"Archers! Fire at will on those you can hit!" One of the captains shouts.

A few of the soldiers who have climbed out of the tunnel stood out and with a flick of their arms, the cylindrical object that they held in their arms extended, forming a bow's riser. The archers in the army are considered special units and special assets, as the army does not actually train archers. What they train these elites into is Master of Arms.

Unlike the rangers of the city defence force, where they are provided with a cultivation technique that is widely believed to be useless, the archers of the army are provided with a general and versatile cultivation technique. This cultivation technique will turn them into a jack of all trades, but master of none.

Each and every one of these elites will be drilled in archery, scouting, assassination, duelling techniques and more to find out what they prefer and excel at, and then they will be sorted out into their respective units based upon what they excel at or prefer. Each and every one of these elites must also be proficient in hand to hand combat before they can be used in real situations as they are more costly and harder to train compared to ordinary soldiers.

The archers are already well prepared and they have a quiver full of arrows strapped to their legs. The army had purposely prepared wooden arrows for this operation. The archers would usually mould their qi into arrows instead of using physical arrows since qi arrows are lighter, would fly faster and are harder to block as it is difficult to see them. However, right now they are all unable to use qi so they have no choice but to use physical arrows.

Within a second, each of the archers had already locked on to their targets. As part of the army, they have been together for a long time and already know how to tell which targets their comrades have picked and will unconsciously pick different targets, therefore almost all of the escaping villagers and us were locked on.


The archers fired their arrows and I could not help but look backwards. Some of the archers had missed, but most of them had hit their targets. I could see two arrows flying towards us but I just dodged it by waving my hand and sending out a wave of qi, sending the arrows off in another direction.

This is just another reason why archers are looked down upon. Of course, if it was qi arrows, I would need to unleash a stronger wave of qi to send it away but still, archers are usually harmless to cultivators unless there is a barrage of arrows raining upon down on us.

"Stop looking back. Look forward and run!" Mo Di shouts at me.

"Yes!" I shout as I look forward and run.

Soon, more soldiers have climbed out of the tunnel and one of them shouts "Chase after them! Don't forget the general's orders!"

"Let me shoot another arrow. I can still use some qi." One of the captains says as he takes aim. Unlike the other archers who are firing an arc, this archer aim is almost horizontal to the ground.


The sound of the arrow that he fires cuts through the air and the captain knees down in pain.

I hear the air being cut and have a bad feeling so I turn back and I see a qi arrow flying at me like a needle.

Mo Di feels the danger too and looks back to see what is happening, but once he sees the flying arrow, he shouts "Move!" and jumps towards me.


The qi arrow stabs into Mo Di who jumped in front of me and dissipates, leaving Mo Di injured.

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