Kicked Out ✔️

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Everly's Pov

" You're what?" my dad asks me just above a whisper.

I look down, feeling embarrassed as I stand in front of my parents.

" Everly you're what?!" my dad yells again, more furious than the first time.

I freeze from the raise of his voice and my heart crawls deeper into my stomach.

"I'm pregnant dad!" I yell, holding back the tears.

He's quiet. Too quiet. I look up into his icy blue eyes. It seems impossible to read them. His eyes show signs of anger, sadness and disappointment but I can't seem to find the other emotion.

" Get out. " he whispers, after a minute of silence.

My eyes grow wide. Is he really kicking me out?

" W-what?" I struggle to say as I can't believe what's happening.

He takes a deep breath as he looks me dead in the eye.

"Get. Out." he spits out.

" Hank-" my mom interrupts him.

" Not now Karine!" he yells at my mom, not even looking her in the eye.

" But dad-" I try to speak but he cuts me off with an icy stare.

" Now." he replies.

I now know there is no room for an argument. That's my dad for you guys. Once he's made up his mind your opinion doesn't matter.

" Mom?" I try to ask for her help but she just shakes her head, too scared to stand up against my dad for the sake of her own daughter.

" Let's go honey. I'll help you pack." she says, wiping away a tear from her cheek. She takes my hand and starts leading me back to my room.

I honestly don't know how to feel about this whole situation. I thought that my dad would at least have the slightest bit of sympathy for me but I never imagined it to turn out this way. Finding out that I'm pregnant is already a downfall and the fact that my dad basically wants to disown me doesn't help things.

You are probably wondering how I got myself stuck in this position. Long story short, my boyfriend started cheating on me because I never gave 'it' to him. Me being stupid and vulnerable wanted nothing more than to be with him so I gave in to his pure pressure. We had been doing it for a few months now and I didn't realize that I started missing my period. As soon as I started throwing up and feeling weak the whole time I decided to take a pregnancy test. You can put the rest of the puzzle pieces together. That's how I got myself into this situation.

Pathetic I know.

I haven't told anyone besides my parents. I guess it's because I feel ashamed of myself. The fact that my dad freaked out on me like that makes me just want to crawl up into a hole and let the earth take me away.

I look at my mom as she hands me a duffle bag and starts packing in my clothes.

" Mom are you really going to let dad do this to me?" I ask shivering from all the crying.

She takes a minute before she answers. " Honey you know I can't do anything about your dad's decision."

Damn. I at least thought that my mom would stand up for me. Just once could she stop being so afraid of my dad and just stand up for her own daughter.

"Noted." I say as I take the duffle bag in one hand and grab a few stuff I'll need with the other.

I stumble down the stairs and I immediately feel my tears running down my cheeks. I'm not sad anymore, I'm beyond furious with both my parents.

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