His Decision (Last Chapter) ✔️

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Everly's Pov

" You are being selfish Everly."

Selfish. I hate that word.

" I'm not being selfish mom! God why can't you see my reason behind everything?!" I cry out.

My heart is racing at an insane speed. I'm beyond pissed at the whole situation and I'm mad at myself for it. Mom throwing it back in my face isn't helping much to calm the raging storm inside of me.

" You are! How can you expect him to give up the one thing that brought meaning to his life after his father's death?!" she yells back.

I continue to pace around her room in Liam's house. I'm tempted to kick a few of the furniture but I restrain myself from it. I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts but all I see is red.

" If it means that my child will be safe then fine. I'm selfish! I'm so selfish that I'll give up my love for the man that brought meaning to my own life when I hit rock bottom. I'm so selfish that I'll risk never seeing the man I love ever again because I want to keep Caroline safe. I'm so selfish that I put my own child's needs before mine. I'm so selfish that my love for a man isn't my top priority when it comes to my kid. I'm so fucking selfish mom! " I yell back.

I couldn't hold back the urge to kick or punch something. In a matter of minutes one of the bedside lamps come crashing down onto the dark wood floor. It felt good for a few seconds if I'm being honest but once that few seconds have passed I feel incredibly guilty. I just broke a lamp. I make a mental note to replace the lamp.

" Everly stop it! You're over reacting!" Mom yells a few seconds after the lamp crashed to the floor.

" I'm not over reacting! I'm trying to do the right thing for Caroline and you seem to have a problem with everything I say and do! I'm putting my child first, it's something you lacked while raising me." my voice cracks at the end as I feel my eyes water up.

The look on my mother's face right now breaks my heart all over again. Shit. I didn't mean to say that. I'm really being a bitch now.

" You really had to go and pull out that card? " my mom laughs while wiping away her own set of tears.

God I'm a horrible person.

" Mom I'm sorry. I didn't mean it and you know it. I'm just so frustrated and I can't think clearly and-" I start to sob as my knees give in as I slide down the wall. Once I'm on the floor I hug my knees to my chest and silently cry into them.

I feel a warm hand being placed on my shoulder and soon enough mom sits down next to me. She holds me for a few minutes before she speaks.

" I know you didn't mean it honey." she breathes out.

The guilt washes over me as I continue to sob in her arms. My relationship with my mother hasn't fully recovered since she came back into my life. It's still fragile and I'd hate myself if I'm the reason it won't work out. My mother wasn't a very good mom while I was growing up but she's here now and she's trying her best to help me and that's enough for me to give her a chance.

" It's been 4 days mom. I haven't heard a word from him." I'm taken back by how hoarse my voice is. That is bound to happen if you've been crying for a few days.

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