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Recap: Everly is a 17 year old. She found out she's pregnant and when she told her parents, she got kicked out. Her douche of an ex boyfriend doesn't want anything to do with her or the baby. Everly stayed with her sister for a while until she met Liam Wells that is the leader of a powerful gang, D&D's. Once he steps into her life her life becomes more dangerous by the minute. A war between Liam's gang and his uncle's gang has sent Everly to live in England for her own safety. Liam left her in England to go fight with his gang. Everly met a new friend named Blake and in the last chapter Liam's sister, Stella, came home after a brutal attack.


Everly's Pov

We're dead. We are so dead. Stella explained that when she got home yesterday from the mall she noticed someone standing outside the house, out of sight from the gate guards. She first thought it was one of the guards but was proven wrong when he attacked her. Luckily she was quick on her toes and managed to lead him away from the house seeing as I was inside. She explained further on that a white van pulled up beside her while she was fighting off the guy and two other men jumped out and dragged her into the van. She didn't explain what they did to her but she overheard them speaking of coming back to Liam's house to 'finish their job '. Stella luckily managed to escape and ended up back here.

" We have to call Liam." I say and Stella's eyes grow wide.

" No-no. I promised Liam I would keep you safe. He can't know that I didn't keep my word. His trust in me means everything." Stella begs.

" Stella we can't face your uncle's gang on our own. I'm nearly ready to pop a child and you can't even walk. How are we going to defend ourselves? "

" We can figure something out. " she begs.

My heart breaks for Stella. I've never seen her this vulnerable in the time I've known her. Her brother's trust surely means a lot to her but it's not only her who is in danger. It's me and my child too.

I feel like such a horrible person. Stella was missing for nearly two days and I didn't even do anything about it. I should have called Liam earlier. Maybe she wouldn't have gotten hurt but my stupid ass didn't think any of this through. It's time that I do.

" I'm sorry Stella. I'm calling Liam. " I say and walk out of the room.

When I reach the living room Blake is fast asleep on the sofa. I chuckle when I hear a snore coming from him. He is cute. I walk over to the closet that's positioned in the hallway and take out a fluffy blanket for Blake. I walk back and throw it over him. I grab my phone and make my way up the stairs. The early morning sun makes its way through my curtains when I plug in my phone to charge. It's already past 5am when I look down on my phone.

I quickly find Liam's contact in my phone. He better pick up. I'm tired and I'm cranky. If I were him I would pick up before the second ring.

Just as I was about to end the call Liam finally decides to answer. I put it on speaker.

" Everly. " I hear Liam's raspy voice coming through the phone.

His voice yet again brings goosebumps to my skin. Damn I miss him like crazy.

" Uhm hey..." my voice is shaky.

Liam doesn't answer. Well this is even more awkward than I thought.

" Aren't you going to ask how Stella is doing?" I question Stella's brother.

" I already know. The doctor contacted me." he simply says.

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