Sleeping Pills And Chocolate Bars ✔️

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Everly's Pov

What is up with people trying to kill me?

Why can't they just go hate on my Instagram instead of going for the kill?

This generation is getting weirder by the day. I'm ashamed to be part of it.

I turn around to face Stella. She looks stunning as always but there isn't even a hint of emotion on her face. She did just kill a girl. How can she not have any emotional reaction to that what so ever?

" Are you okay?" Liam rushes over to me, panic written all over his face.

" Well I am kind of hungry now." I shrug.

Liam only rolls his eyes.

" She's fine" he says to the others.

His eyes start searching for any bruise marks on my skin. A sight of relief washes over his face when he doesn't notice anything out of the usual.

He grabs me by the shoulders and pushes me to his chest. With my ear placed against his rock hard chest, I lean in to listen to the soothing sound of his heart beating.

" I'm so sorry." he whispers.

I don't react. I'm not upset with him. It isn't his fault that I nearly died, again. I'm upset with myself. How could I let this happen again? It's not only my life that's on the line, it's another person's as well.

I move away from Liam's embrace and fold my arms around my belly. I  take a quick glance at it and take my seat again.

Chase and Lucas are busy cleaning up the mess from the, now dead, flight attendant. Stella is still torturing the butler for some answers and in all of this chaos, the jet is still flying.

I guess the pilot is used to this kind of situations by now. I don't think I'll ever get used to this madness. Killing people, almost getting killed, seeing people kill people. It's too much.

" Breath Everly." I hear Chase say as he comes to take the seat next to me. He has a light bruise on his neck, probably from where the butler tried to strangle him.

" Only six more hours to go. You can do it. Here take this." Chase hands me two identical pills.

" Are you trying to drug me?" I ask concerned.

He chuckles.

" Relax Everly. I gave these to my sister when she was expecting and nothing went wrong with her or her baby. If I wanted to drug you I would've done it a long time ago." he explains.

" Such reassuring words. " I breath out taking the two pills. Gobbling it down with water I thank Chase for his help and he's off to who knows where.

" Uhm Everly... " I hear someone whisper just as I start to drift away. My nerves has started to settle by now and whoever is trying to snap me back to reality will have hell to pay.

" Not now. Hush child hush. " Woa, I guess these sleeping pills are really starting to work.

" We have a problem." another voice responds.

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