Obsession ✔️

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Everly's pov

" How is she doing?"

" She's stable but because of the blood loss, she's a little drained."

" But she's okay?"

I hear soft whispers around me. I hate it when people talk when I'm trying to sleep. Do they not see a soul that needs resting?

Wait where am I?

Resisting the urge to freak out on the voices, I open my one eye. I expect it to be burned by the early morning sun but it isn't. I open my eye further and realize it's dark outside.

I'm in a hospital room.

Memories of what had happened before comes crashing down my memory lane. The pain. The blood.

" The baby. Is my baby okay? Tell me my baby is okay!"

I hear a beeping go off next to me. It's a heart monitor from the visible lines going up and down. And the fact that I binge watch Grey's Anatomy on a regular basis to know a few of the basics.

" Take it easy Everly. You need to rest." Alexa calms me down.

I look at the doctor that is standing next to her, with pleading eyes.

I can't loose my baby. It's the only thing I have left for existing. It's the only thing that makes me feel comfortable with myself. Although the circumstances aren't as planned, it still brings me joy.

" Your baby is fine."

A sigh of relief leaves my mouth. My baby is okay, I'm okay, everything is going to be okay.

" What about the bleeding?" I question the doctor in clear confusion. Bleeding while pregnant with the amount of blood that I lost isn't always a good sign.

" Round about 20% of woman have some bleeding at the beginning of their pregnancy. Possible causes of the bleeding could be problems with the cervix or placental abruption. Normally woman don't bleed as bad as you did so we are going to keep you here for a few days just to make sure there are no further complications. "

After the doctor explains he walks out of the room. I look at Alexa, confusion written all over my face.

" Did you catch what he said? "

" Not a word. "

At least I know the baby is fine. That's the most important right now. A breath of relief once again leaves my lungs and a wave of fatigue replaces it.

" It's getting pretty late. I have to get going. I promise to be back early tomorrow morning." Alexa breaks my lingering thoughts.

She kisses my head and rushes out of the door.

Great. Now I'm all alone.

Before I could get comfortable in this comfy hospital bed, a nice looking middle aged lady walks in.

" Hi. My name is Margaret and I'm here to monitor the baby."

" Everly. Nice to meet you." I smile at the nurse. She pushes a tray with numerous of items on it that even Grey's Anatomy won't help me identify before coming to a stop next to my bed.

" So Everly, tell me, how's the pregnancy handling you?" she starts off as she gets everything ready for the ultra sound.

" It's been tough." I admit truthfully. It really hasn't been a joy ride with all the drama that has followed but I do notice a change in my mood with every day that passes by. I'm excited to welcome the jelly bean into my life.

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