Chapter Thirty-Two: The Capital

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So here it is. My first entry in this diary of my visions. In order to tell everything as accurately as I can remember, I shall be writing this information as though I am currently having the vision.

I am standing in a room. The walls are dark stone lit by candles hanging on wooden candelabra's. Though the main source of light comes from a large fireplace. Above the fireplace hangs a tapestry.  A dark red shield with a rearing black horse inside. The shield is surrounded by vines of gold and green. It is the family crest of House Baylon. The house my father was born into. I look opposite the fireplace where there is a large, fourposter bed with a canopy in the same shade of dark red as the tapestry. I look around the room a few more times, dazed. How did I get here? My eyes fall down, looking at my body. I frown. I am wearing a long black robe. A robe I don't remember putting on.

A soft groan catches my attention. My head snaps up to my bed. A woman lies on it. Her hair is sticking to her forehead with sweat as does her white robe. My eyes fall to her large belly. Midwives are rushing into the room now. I hardly focus on them. I stare at the woman, trying to place who she is and why she looks so familiar. The door bursts open.

"I'm sorry my lord, you can't be in here during the birth." I stumble back, my heart leaping into my chest with fear. If he can see me in here, he'll kill me. As his eyes fall to me, I open my mouth trying to think of an excuse as to why I'm in the room.

He looks away.

Everything clicks. The woman looks so familiar because she is my grandmother. In my dazed and disorientated state, I hadn't even recognised her. Though she looks younger. As does my Grandfather. I cautiously look at him again as he glares at the midwife who shudders at his cold blue eyes. I can see who Fallon inherited her scary glare from. Even though I can't be seen by him, I find myself shivering too. Goosebumps ripple along my skin. After glaring at the woman for at least twenty seconds, my grandfather finally speaks.

"If you dare tell me where I can or can't be in my own home again, I'll feed you to the dogs." She gulps and pulls her shaking hands behind her back as the cold tone of his voice lingers in the air. The way he says it is so calm. He does not raise his voice or even make an effort to add malice. Yet there is a sharpness to it. Again, I find myself reacting with fear. My mouth drying and my hands shaking. He looks away and down to his wife.

"Give me a son, woman," he tells her. She glares at him.

"You speak as though I have a choice," she snaps back as she grits her teeth. His only reply is to send another one of his cold stares toward her.

The scene moves quickly as she gives birth. Eventually, my Grandfather is presented with a bundle.

"A son," he says. A smile crosses his features. I frown again.  Not once have I ever seen him smile.

"Hand him to me," my Grandmother says with tears in her eyes. Surprisingly, my grandfather doesn't argue. He hands the babe over. She smiles softly.

"Hello baby," she says, taking his little hands in her fingers.

"The King has already had two daughters and the Queen is pregnant again. There is a chance of a Queen's Trial," Grandfather says to his wife as he sits on the bed next to her.

"Unless the babe she is carrying is a boy," Grandmother tells him.

"Maybe. Maybe not. But we shall prepare him anyway. If there is to be a Queen's Trial, then my son will be chosen." He stops and looks around the room at all the midwives. "Ladies," he begins. "Look upon your future King," he smiles again. "King Matthias."

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