Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Castle

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When the Gods first created our world, they gave their creations a few gifts. One was a Golden canon. It was designed to be used by those who ruled the country as a way of spreading important information. No one knew how to use it, however. The human lands kept the beautiful, godly gift. Even though they had no idea how it worked, a gift from the gods was not to be discarded.

It wasn't until Visara united the lands that the Canon was used. For she knew how to work it. Visara linked it to the Dulavelle bloodline so that it would relay the most important information about the Dulavelle rulers all over Vivelle.

When the Canon went off, it was heard across every part of the country. The deep boom would be heard in every town, village and city in every land. Not only would they hear the sound, but it would also light up the sky, depending on what message it needed to get across.

One, plain explosion from the canon meant a Councilmember was dead.

Two explosions would mean the birth of a Dulavelle. The First explosion would just be sound. A way of drawing the attention ready for the next. The Second would be another explosion, followed by the sky lighting up in a variety of colours. Each Dulavelle born had different colours. When Visara's first child was born, the sky lit up in shades of bright reds and oranges. When her second child was born, the sky went deep purple.

Three explosions meant that a Dulavelle had died. Again, the first sound that sounded across the country was to draw the attention of those in Vivelle. To get them to look to the skies.

The second explosion would light up the sky in one of four colours. The Sky went green if their death was from natural causes or an accident. If the Sky went Blue, it meant that a Dulavelle child had taken their own life. Orange skies meant that a Dulavelle had been executed. If the sky went completely red, then a Dulavelle had been murdered.

The Third explosion would light up the skies in the colours of that shone upon the birth of the dead Dulavelle.

This told all of Vivelle which royal had died and how. Furthermore, the Canon worked all by itself. It launched by its own accord as soon as a first breath is taken or ten minutes after the heart stops beating. It cannot be manipulated or launched manually.

The Canon spread the truth to every person in Vivelle before any lies and manipulations could be woven. 

~The History of The Gods.

Shaelyn stands in her room, looking in the mirror as her lady in waiting braids her hair. There is a knock on the door.

"Come in," Shaelyn instructs. The door creeps open and Rayana walks in.

"Your services won't be needed," she says softly to the lady in waiting. The young woman does a small curtsy before leaving the room. Rayana walks over to her younger sister.

"Morning," Shaelyn smiles as Rayana takes the brush and finishes braiding Shaelyn's long golden locks.

"We are going into the city this morning, with the Scholars," Rayana tells her. Shaelyn's eyes widen.

"Father has agreed to this?" she asks. Rayana scoffs and shrugs her shoulders.

"Father is too busy fussing over Illyana. When he isn't, he is keeping an eye on Fallon or Cordelia. He doesn't worry with us." Shaelyn chuckles.

"Us youngsters have to stick together," Shaelyn replies. Rayana finishes braiding Shaelyn's locks then passes her a dress and cloak from the wardrobe. A simple lilac dress with a few white flowers along the neckline. It fits her nicely, sticking to her torso but flowing delicately from her hips. Rayana wears one in a similar style too. Her dress is light blue. Again, it is pretty and simple. The light blue tones complement her slightly tanned skin and long waves of dark brown hair.

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