Chapter Ninety-Nine: The Capital

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My Father trains with Leander and his group. He keeps up with them, much to Leander's disgust.

"Matty boy," Leander says. "Why don't you spar with my boy, Adrian here?" he grins. My father gulps and nods his head slowly. Adrian is a large boy. Much taller than my father who I guess is now between the ages of fifteen to sixteen. Leander and his friends are older. Almost eighteen would be my guess.

"Okay," My father says and walks to the sparring grounds. The King happens to walk past and stops, watching with a frown. Though he doesn't say anything. As the two boys square each other up, the crowd stopping to watch gets bigger. My father's face changes in an instant. Gone is the fear. Now, it is determination. Knowing only Adrian can see it, my father grins and twisted smile. This has Adrian faltering slightly. I remember in my visions that my father has secretly been training during the nights. He's just been hiding his improvements. However, he is about to show everyone what he can do. Especially with the king watching.

My father charges, taking Adrian by surprise. He moves with speed and precision. Ducking away from all of Adrian's attacks that would incapacitate him should they connect. Whilst doing that, he aims his own attacks at exposed parts of Adrian's body, aiming for areas that would hurt the most and he would be able to feel more beneath the wall of thick muscle he has surrounding them. My father is quick and brutal. He finishes the fight with a kick to the back of Adrian's leg, causing it to bend sharply and knock him down. He twists away from Adrian's attempt to grab him before slamming his elbow into the boy's face. It slashes across his cheek and before he can react, my father sends a brutal uppercut slamming into his jaw. Adrian falls back onto the ground, breathing heavily and blood pouring from his mouth and nose. Father bows to the king who has a smile on his face.

"Very good, Matthias," the King tells him and walks away. Matthias turns to look at a wide-eyed Leander. The nervous expression crossing his face again. Leander looks around him at the clapping nobles and council who had come to watch. His look of anger fades as a cool smile crosses his face.

"Well done, Matty," he says, still looking at all the positive attention my father is getting. "You're certainly one to look out for," he chuckles and even I can hear the warning in those words.

Rayana and Fallon return to the Knights a week after they dropped off Shaelyn. Shaelyn squeals and runs into them, almost knocking them over with her rough embrace. Fallon laughs and kisses her forehead as Shaelyn shakes in her arms.

"What did grandfather do to you?" she gulps as she starts to cry.

"Nothing," Ray replies as she goes to take a seat. "We got to father first, made him see sense," she shrugs. Shae's eyes widen.

"So... What does that mean?" she gulps.

"It means, that father has told everyone in court that he has sent you away to recover. Which also means no guards or soldiers ripping this city apart to find you," Fallon tells her. Shae grins and lets out a sigh of relief. "We also have some control back. Father has put grandfather in his place for now, but I expect the old twat is still scheming," she sighs. Shae nods her head. "For now though, he can't hurt us."

"What about Nianzu?" Shae asks.

"He's doing a lot of spying and is very good at it which is hardly surprising," Ray chuckles.

"That is the other reason why we are here," Fallon tells her as Ren comes over with some other knights.

"We have the first few lies about Illyana that are about to make their rounds across this city and Vivelle. They aren't good, I'm afraid," Ray sighs. 

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