before we start

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hello once again !!

I have somehow ventured out of my comfort zone and dared to write this. I don't wish to offend anyone by writing this as an amateur who has just watched the movies and hasn't read the books (please hear me out before ending me) so disclaimer, it will be different from the books because let's admit it, they can never make the books = movies so just a disclaimer, sorry for not sticking to the hardcore facts but if I do miss any crucial details, please comment it or feel free to dm me !

for those who like a books + movie kinda thing, you could go check out my other story based on Harry Potter. Besides that, I will not put up a posting schedule even though I did on the other story, I will not be following by that. This is to prevent you guys from getting false hopes and overly pressuring myself.

One last thing, this year is a major year for me as my national exams are coming up so updates will be often as I can make it happen

if you've managed to stick through this, I really thank you for your patience and understanding

-- direwxlf

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