Chapter 1

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 Mín onlui nifred what mín see, so close cín eyes a lór 

we only fear what we see, so close your eyes and dream


"Another pint for the man in the white shirt!" A voice hollered and stood out amongst the noise.

Edith inwardly groaned as she put down the heavy tray and went over to the tap and filled another cup of ale. She deftly balanced the tray and made her way to the group of men.

"A pint for everyone, sorry for the delay yeah," Without hearing the men's response, she went back behind the counter and filled up more jugs. Taking a moment's break, she sighed and leant against the counter. Blocking out the noise, she tried to remember how her past life was.

"Utterly useless that's what it was, get yourself together Edith. You need the money to go to Rohan" She thought to herself. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a locket. She slowly kissed the cold metal of the locket hoping who it was meant for heard her cry of plea. She undid the catch and put it around her neck and underneath her blouse, hidden away from sight. It was uncommon to see the Elvish engravings in these lands of Bree.

"Hello, miss!" Edith's eyes flickered upwards and her hands flew down, away from the locket. "Thank the lords you ain't deaf, I was gonna call someone. Anyways, three pints of beer for me and ale" He shouted uncharacteristically loudly, surprising Edith because of his small size. She winced slightly at his volume but grumbled and got his jugs for him. Edith, not caring to give a second look to the man, muttered about rude attitudes and started washing the jugs. However, the old man slipped but an arm laid out to support him.

"A little help here Eddie!" A young manly voice shouted from across the counter. Edith's eyes visibly perked up at the sound of the man's voice but she rolled her eyes once she heard the nickname. She curiously made her way over, avoiding the drunkards that swayed around dangerously. She once again rolled her eyes at the scene and unwittingly picked up the jugs, which were sticky from the spilling of the ale and beer. After cleaning up the mess, they went behind the counter to do their usual duties.

"Where were you, do you have any idea what's it like to serve this lot, bloody wild I say," She whined as the young man with his untamed blonde hair flashed her a dazzling smile.

"Only halfway into the night shift and you've been drained Eddie, but if you must know, I went to see the girl next door-"

"So now it's her, pity I really was warming up to the previous one. But if you ever ditch the shift for one of your reasons, I won't be covering up" She stated matter of factly as she hummed to herself while washing the dishes. The young man, Devon, shot her a look but it was one filled with happiness.

"No matter, how much I try, she's still oblivious and daft as a bimbo," He thought to himself while filling the jugs.


"Yeah, Eddie?"

"Tell Grunn I'm out buying soap and stop calling me Eddie"

"Why of course, Eddie the Edith" Devon continued, once again flashing his charming smile at her.

Edith flashed him her own sarcastic smile and exited the establishment. She wished that she had brought along her coat but seeing Devon's dumb face was supposedly not worth it.

Humming a tune to herself once again, she got lost in her thoughts. But only one thought plagued her mind, where was her brother. Her only living family.

"This would have never have happened if it weren't for that elf. I wouldn't be here, my brother wouldn't be gone, we would have all been together. We would be living together if it weren't for those imbecile elves and their dumb pea-brains. I hate them, every single one-" Her thoughts abruptly ended as she felt herself knock against someone, pain shooting up her left arm. She stumbled and was about to land face flat when he grabbed her.

"Seem to be in a hurry lady don't you," The man spoke snarkily. Edith roughly removed his hand muttered some native curses at him. She was about to storm off when the man spoke again, "Im am bo mui own, a lain ". Edith stopped in her tracks and turned to face the man, her face turning a ghastly white.

"W-what did you say?"

"I am on my own, and free. That's at least what your locket says in Sindarin-ugh" Edith clamped her hand over the stranger's mouth, feeling clammy. This was all very abnormal in Bree and people did not welcome anomalies. She quickly dragged them into a dark alley before letting go and snatching her locket back.

"God woman where have you come from?1 Get off me!" The man tried shouting but Edith remained unphased.

"Sorry for that back there, but I really need to know, who are you and how do you know S-Sindarin? P-Please I just need some answers," Edith tried looking fierce but failed miserably as the man chuckled hollowly.

"Never have I ever seen a more pathetic situation, but you're pitiful so I'll tell you all I know. I'm with someone called Strider, we had been called in to pick someone up and I'm just keeping watch. I learnt Sindarin in Rivendell where I was trained" He casually leant against the wall, blabbering all he knew. Edith's face grew more suspicious when she heard the name Strider, because easy to say it wasn't the person's real name. But pure hatred dawned on her face when she heard Rivendell.

"Want to know anymore missy?" When Edith shook her head, he walked away casting weird glances at Edith. After he was gone, she unclenched the hand which had the locket and shakily opened the locket, revealing a portrait of a young man. She absentmindedly stroked the picture, feeling a tear rolling down her cheek.

"I'll find you wherever you are, and then we'll both go to Gondor. It may take some time, but you're worth every risk Aragorn. Be ready, your sister is coming back home,"


first chapter !!!!

okay so yes I am changing the story to much of an extent so bear with me, please

i hope yall liked it tho :)

- direwxlf

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