Chapter 4

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She was no elf, but but being raised alongside many had given her an upper hand at nearly every battle. This was no different. She knew this was only the first horde of orcs and more did await. She quickly climbed to the top of a nearby tree and waited with bated breath for the next horde to arrive. She knew the orc's had a terrible sense of sight but their sense of smell was very keen. They could smell human blood easily. Ariana's wound was still bleeding but her attack would surprise the orcs, or so she thought. She waited and waited, but the second horde never arrived. Her bloody leg had cramped up and she silently climbed down the tree to stretch. Just then, a filthy slimy hand grabbed her neck and lifted her up against the tree. Orcs, and a whole lot of them. The orc growled and opened its mouth to show rows of black teeth, ready to attack her with them. She screamed as she felt her lungs burning at the absence of air and tried her best to kick the orc but her stabbed leg was just a burden.

The orc forcefully slammed her against the tree and she heard a crack or two. She was in a terrible state, blood pouring out of her nose, her face bruised but she wasn't giving up just yet. She was just waiting for the right moment to strike, but it seemed the right moment never came until the orc let go of her and drew its weapon to deliver the final blow. She quickly got on her feet, her hand behind her back and all of a sudden, she plunged her dagger into the orc and she slumped against the tree. Every part of her body was bruised and battered and she knew she was in no state to fight or it could mean her death. She held her dagger in her hand as she stumbled towards the edge of the forest, hiding from the orcs, but she knew the scent of blood would give her away. She looked around for any orcs but everything was becoming blurry. Dark spots appeared in her view and she needed help. She wouldn't get out of the forest in time, she needed to find another way. Her eyes swept to the river roaring in the canyon below. It was a deep plunge but it was worth a try. Just as she stood up, an arrow whistled through the air, and she heard it but her legs weren't fast enough to avoid its mark. She fell forward as the arrow hit her in her other leg and she screamed in pain. Her throat pained as she screamed, this couldn't be the end, she had to get to the river. She broke off the part of the arrow sticking out of her leg with shaking hands and ducked as she heard another arrow whistling past her. She then ran as fast as she could and flung herself into the river, which was a deep drop.

A normal human could never had survived the fall, but she wasn't ordinary. She was the Dúnedain. The orcs, meanwhile, peered down, and didn't see a body and thought they had killed another elf. Her body followed the path of the river, reaching a quiet village of Bree. She was stranded on the rocks when a woman saw her and tried to wake her up. A young man also followed suit and they led her to a house.

"This is no ordinary girl, I can feel it Devon. Just look at her clothes, they're practically unheard of-" The woman reasoned.

"I think Amara, you're just eager to make friends with this stranger because you don't have any" The young man, Devon, replied sarcastically. Amara, gave Devon a light shove as she laughed. But then, she glanced at the girl. She was indeed very beautiful, but terribly injured. Who would do this to an innocent girl?

"It looks like she was escaping from someplace, but she has no belongings, just weapons. But Devon, why would someone attack her so brutally? Mind you, she had an arrow in one leg and a deep cut in the other-"

"Great observation skills," Devon and Amara froze as Ariana spoke, her voice hoarse and scratchy. She smiled and tried to get up, but Amara gently helped her.

"You're quite a miracle, no one could have survived that. Hi there, I'm Amara and that's Devon and you're in the village of Bree," Amara smiled warmly at Ariana which immediately reminded her of Arwen.

"My name's Ari-" Her name got stuck in her throat. No, she couldn't reveal her real name. It was a constant reminder of her past, and wanted to stay far away from it as possible. "Sorry, my throat's just very sore, my name is Edith. I come from Gondor-" Amara squealed in excitement.

"Gondor! Why didn't you say so before-" Devon gently calmed Amara down and Amara hushed. "Sorry, I just really want to visit Gondor".

"So do I," Suddenly, a flashback came to her head and she yelped in pain. Amara rushed to her side and held her hand tightly.

"Your wounds were pretty nasty, but I so happen to be, the best healer of Bree and your legs will be as good as new in no time, but we'll let you rest now and here you can drink this. It gives a dreamless, peaceful sleep which you really need" Amara said warmly and she pushed Devon out of the room and closed the door shut. Ariana let out a breath of relief, bits and pieces of what happened were coming back to her and was doing all she could to hide her emotions. Tears spilled out as she recalled when Thranduil punished her, Legolas shot her and pushed her down the river and Aragorn being convinced by Legolas that she was indeed evil. But she didn't remember how Aragorn had already started to believe she was evil, and how Legolas had in fact let her escape. It was the orcs that had almost killed her. She thought she remembered everything but in reality, she had remembered nothing, it was all the creation of her mind and the loss of blood. She took the blanket off her legs and saw the mangled mess left behind, her legs were scarred and weren't even fully healed. She felt around the waistband of her tunic until she came across a vial and carefully poured drops of the purple liquid onto her wounds. She swallowed some drops too, and massaged her throat too, remembering how her attacker had nearly suffocated her, Legolas. But in reality, it was the orcs. She walked around the room slowly, holding the wall as support and she made her way to the bathroom. She saw her face in the mirror and flinched. Bloodshot eyes, hollow cheeks, bruises everywhere, she looked terrible. She spotted her silver locket hanging from her neck and opened it. It was taken so long ago, she forgot how happy those times were. 

"I will take back what was mine, no matter what it takes. And punish those who tried to mess with me, no matter who they are"


it has been FOREVER AND IM BACK !!

enjoy this flashback :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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