Chapter 3

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Blood, she tasted the metallic tang of blood in her mouth. She wiped away a drop dripping from her mouth but as soon as she tried to move her hands, the elvish guards pulled her arms back tighter. She let all the weight go on legs on she slouched down, it wasn't supposed to end this way. She didn't mean to kill the guard, a knock in the head was all it was intended to be. And, most importantly, the poison in her brother's food. She wasn't the one who added it to his food and was framed, but then who in Rivendell would? It was obvious this was all done to frame her because staying in Rivendell with elvish medicine, no one could really get poisoned and die. She tilted her head up and a tall, lean figure stood before her, she hadn't even heard him come in.

"Ariana Ellesar, daughter of Arathorn II and brother of Aragorn ll, a Dúnedain and Ranger of the North. How I've longed to see you in this weak state, finally the Race of Men can be brought down-"

"Lord Thranduil, the Race of Men can never be brought down... Besides, if we have been brought down, we've brought down the King of Mirkwood to our level as well. Poisoning Aragorn and killing an elvish soldier just to get me out of your sight, or is it because I'm a woman?"

"Not just to get you out of my sight, but out of my son's sight as well. Ever since you've step foot in this sacred place, Legolas has been distracted, his aim's been terrible -"

"How can you be his father, or maybe you can't bear to see your son's happiness rooting from the presence of Aragorn and me-"

"Don't you dare speak a word against me, you know nothing of how I feel for my son, you have no right-"

"Father, why did you call me here?" Ariana's cold demeanour wore away and was replaced with one of confusion. Legolas stood beside his father, slightly annoyed at being called at such an unusual time when he was supposed to be comforting his friend for the loss of his sister. He looked down to see Ariana's hand tied, mouth bloodied and eyes swollen. He was about to take a step forward but his father stopped him.

"Bring her to the edge of Rivendell, and throw her into the river. May your soul rest in peace Ariana Ellesar," Thranduil smirked as he swept his cloak and disappeared into the shadows. Ariana breath hitched in her throat as Thranduil's voice resounded in her head. She fearfully looked at Legolas whose face displayed no emotion. He walked forward and roughly grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up. She was doubting herself now, Legolas was one of her closest friends but would he really go against his father?

"Legolas, you know me, you know I would never do something like this," He stopped and sighed looking at me regretfully. "I do know you but why is everything happening not in your favour then-"

"How would I know if I didn't do it, I am innocent Legolas please,"

"Even Aragorn believes you're guilty so who am I to believe you're not?" His face was void of any emotion but Ariana could tell it was paining him to say every word, he didn't mean any of it.

"It's your father's planning I just know it. He must have tried to frame me and instigate Aragorn against me-"

"You think my father did this? You think my father would stoop to your level to kill a future king? My father may have thrown you out of Rivendell but how dare you speak a word against him and spread false allegations!" He had drawn his bow on Ariana who was speechless. He would kill her if needed. She slowly backed away and felt the leaves crunching beneath her boots. She let out a shaky breath and silently took out a dagger from her waistband. But she didn't get a chance to use it as Legolas slowly put away his nocked arrow and put her dagger back.

All of a sudden, she was pushed to the ground with her arms pinned behind her back. Her head ached from the impact but as she brought her legs up to kick the attacker, she felt a sharp pain on her right thigh. She bit down on her tongue to prevent screaming until she tasted blood. She was roughly turned over expecting to see an orc but it was in fact Legolas.

"Why, why Legolas? Just kill me already, better than staying here as meat for the foul creatures that roam these forests-"

"Jump down into the river," He calmly spoke, as if one did that every day.

"You were given orders to throw me into the river so you will do that," Ariana said, equally calmly, knowing her end was near.

"Then so be it," She stood up, silently cursing on the deep gash in her thigh caused by the dagger. Legolas stepped forward, but he was hesitating. How could he push her down, he knew his father's reasoning behind throwing her into the river but yet still didn't have the guts.

"T-tell Arwen and Lord Elrond that I thank Valar for such a loving family a-and for keeping me safe all these years. A-and tell Aragorn that I love him and my love will always stay with him, no matter what he may think of me," She took a deep breath in and let herself be filled with memories of her loved ones. "Thank you too Legolas, because I learnt the true meaning of family by my own death," It wasn't supposed to come out this harsh but she was dying anyway. And then he flinched when he heard her words. She just kept mum and nodded, bracing herself.

She felt his hands pushing her but even before her feet could leave the ground, he caught her back in time. She felt the air being knocked out of lungs at the fact that he didn't push her. Legolas wrapped his arms around the girl, trying to live with the fact that he may never see her again. Ariana too settled in the hug, not eager to leave anytime soon but he quickly released her.

"Run, as far as you can and away from this forest. You are innocent I do not doubt it but for the sake of Valar, save yourself. Stay safe mellon-nin," And without a second glance, as swift as the wind, he disappeared into the safe havens of Rivendell.

Ariana was completely alone, her eyes scanning for any movement when she heard the orc horn. She quickly took shelter behind a tree and ripped a piece of her clothes to stop the blood flow of the cut on her leg.

"An i mel -o valar, cheb- nin cuin," She whispered to herself and she took out her bow and fired them at the orcs. It had begun.


a backstory on our main girl but there's still a part 2 

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