Time to start the day

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Hey kids,,, 👋

So,,, these kids heere
helped me decide to write this story, thanks to them. They are insanely cool people

Also, musicalsandweeds420 went out of their way to rewrite MORE THAN SURVIVE for this AU. Truely amazing, go abuse them with praises, it is super amaze balls!


Why does my wifi have to suck? Because of this, my porno won't load! It's making my brain freakin' explode!

Or is it not my wifi? Maybe, Pornhub just hates my guts and wants me to be uncomfortable all day. Jeez, thank you. I totally need that.

Jesus fuck, great. It's time to head to school, great. Wonder how it will torment me today? I turn my computer off, and close it. Quickly, I jump myself to my feet, and walk over to the blue jeans on my floor.

I pick them up, and start putting them on. My frantic fingers fiddled with my belt, and I gulp nervously. Great, I'm already feeling anxious about today.

When I finally put my pants on, I race out of my room and towards the bathroom. I examine myself in the mirror, and throw my fingers through my hair. I then lift my striped shirt, and check for any muscles. Of course I don't have any, maybe I should do push-ups?

I see my father walk in, and oH GOSH

'Gah! Dad jeez' I jump away, and look away from him. He wasn't wearing freakin' pants, again. 'Haven't you heard of privacy?!' My voice cracks, thanks vocal chords.

He beamed, 'Come on! We're all men in this house, pretend we're in the army!' He checked his wrinkles, cringing at how old he looked.

I exhale, and put a hand on the counter 'Just . . .' I looked at him, cringed, and then looked away 'When I get home, please be wearing pants!'

He chuckled, and saluted to me 'Ten-hut!' And headed for the tiolet, I cringed and got the hell out of there.

When I reach my bedroom, I look around for a certain converse I had chucked away the night before. As I'm doing this, I think of my daily dilemma.

Should I take a bus, or walk instead?

I bend down and reach for my converse, they were under my bed the whole time! How they got there, I don't know. I groan, feeling dread well up in my stomach. I stand up and grab my cardigan, which was laid out on my floor, next to my desk.

I pull it on, and feel nervous. I look around, and soon locate my backpack, the backpack that was as red as my face.

I pick it up, and start weighing my options. Calmly.

A sixteen year old, junior on the bus. That's killer week. But if I walked, and I arrived I'm gonna straight up reek. And my boxers would be bunchy, and my pits would leak.

I jump, hearing the noise of the bus driving. I run to my window, and watch helplessly as the bus drove off. Ugh, gosh.

I run to my door, but jump as I hear a ding from my desk, I turn and see my phone. Whoever just texted my just saved my life, which was probably Michaels. Because no one but him has my number.

I race to the desk, and pick my phone up. Reading his text,

New text, from Player 1❤️🎮
Dude,,, you missed the bus again lmfao

'Best friend, Michael' BOYF RIENDS AUWhere stories live. Discover now