Its all over, now

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Have a photo of Tam and his dads

Have a photo of Tam and his dads

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'Jenna? Jenna!'

'Ugh, uh, wha!' Jenna opened her eyes up, and looked at us. She sat up and yelled in pain 'Ow!' I jump back, hearing her protest in pain 'Ow, ow, ow, ow!'

'Hurth like a motherfucker, doethn't it?' Rich, who was laying in a full body cast next to Jenna. She whimpered and fell back into the hospital bed, yes, if you couldn't tell we're at the hospital.

'Jeremy? R-Rich?' Jenna looked around to the best of her ability. 'Feelth like you're miththing apart of yourthelf, doethn't it?' Jenna gulped and looked to me, 'Jeremy, where's Michael?' Where's Christine—'

'Michaels coming.' I sighed, fidgeting with my long sleeved pacman shirt. 'In a moment or so, s-sorry just . . . a-are you okay Jenna?'

'Thoththy? The, we . .' Rich beamed in excitement, and then calmed down a little. He grinned and spoke with his lisp freely, 'We're finally free of that thiny happy hive mind! I can't wait to get out of here, to go see Jake! And kithth him and-'

Wait, Rich's SQUIP-
'Your SQUIPs gone too? But how?' Jenna asked, 'Athk Jeremyth buddy, anti-thocial headphoneth kid?' Rich turned to me, with a smirk. 'What ith he, your boyfriend?' Yes.

Jenna turned to me, and asked 'Yeah, did you and Michael get together? Just curious, totally okay with it!' Yes.

'I-D'I- uh . . .' I squeaked, clutching my arm. 'Um . . . Wait, R-Rich did you just say you would kiss Jake?' Jenna looked surprised, and then she made a face of realisation and looked to Rich.

'Yeah, did you two get together . . . Or something?' Rich smiled nervously, blushing shyly 'We'll we haven't, but I think he will learn to love the real Richard Goranthki.'

Jenna smiled widely with a raised brow, whispering 'I'm in so much pain but I'm so happy that Christines and Is  ship is sailing.'

'Hey, Jeremy. Bro to bro . . . Are thothe hickeythh?' Rich asked, wiggling his brows, jeSUS CHRIST I FORGOT!! I feel myself jump like a startled cat and scratch the back of my neck in an awful attempt to cover the hickeys. 'W-What! N-No, not at a-all!'

'Then what are they, Jeremy?' Rich asked, smirking.

I gulped, blushing as an uneasy silence and awkward tension settled on my shoulders. I say the first thing that comes to my mind, which is 'T-They're um, m-mosquito bites.'

'Jeremy, Jenna, Rich!' Michael ran in and skidded to a halt, he held his knees and panted.

Rich smirked, 'Hey, mothquito.' Michael looked confused, 'Hi, Rich?' Michael turned to me and saw my face of absolute gay panic, and opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it as Rich asked him a question. 'Yo, lemme thee your back for a minute.' It was more of a command.

'Best friend, Michael' BOYF RIENDS AUWhere stories live. Discover now