2. A proposal

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It never means anything good when your parents call you into their room and make you sit down opposite them.

"Ella darling, your Father and I have been thinking. It's time for—"

"Actually your Mother was thinking," Father interrupts. Mother sends him a side glare. Quickly he corrects his mistake. "But I agree with her. Last night at the banquet an opportunity arose that is too good to pass on."

I'm praying and praying that this has nothing to do with Mother's muttering from yesterday. Please, please don't let it be that I'm to be—

"You're going to be married," Mother announces.

My stomach twists, this cannot be happening.

"Whilst at the banquet last night I was introduced to Lord and Lady Golding, of Golding Manor." Father pauses briefly as if waiting to see if I will erupt. "They want to meet with you by the lake right after this to explain the situation of their son and see if you're suitable."

"Wait, let me get this straight, a Lord wants to meet me?" I say, struggling to comprehend what exactly is happening.

"Correct," he replies slowly.

"Do I get any say in this?" I ask.

"Novella." Mother stands. "Go get changed into your finest clothes and run along. I expect no argument."

I dash out of the room and into my own one right next to theirs. My lungs suddenly seem short of breath and I throw open my window, gulping in fresh air as the absurdity of the situation hits me. It is practically unheard of nobles marrying people such as me, a carpenters daughter.

My heart jolts as two figures by the lake catch my attention through the window reminding me that I cannot leave a Lord and Lady waiting on me. But then a second though hits me, maybe I could. I ponder over this idea for a moment. If I was noticeable late maybe they wouldn't want me to marry their son and then I'd be free for longer.

Then I remember Mother in the other room, her rolling pin nearby as always. She would be telling me to get over myself if she saw me right now.

I start pulling on my finest wool dress thinking about what this marriage could mean. I would get to live in even better conditions than I do now, I'd get more food variety to cook with, more time of my own to build bows, and maybe I could even learn to ride a horse.

This is beginning to sound better the more that I think about it.

As quickly as I can, I run through the servants passages not wanting to be any later than I already am. My run turns into a sophisticated walk as I leave the castles shelter and head towards the noble pair who stand beside the shore of the lake. And what a pair they are, decked in green robes and glinting finery. Lord Golding is tall with dark hair, a stark contrast to his short wife who has her fair hair tied back under a veil. Suddenly I feel very underdressed.

It is Lady Golding who spots me first and nudges her husband who remains posed and still as a statue. I feel their scrutinising gazes upon me and I gulp and straighten my back.

"You are Novella, are you not?" Lady Golding asks, her voice smooth as honey.

"Yes." Quickly I remember my manners and perform a deep curtsey. "My Lord, my Lady."

"We were introduced to your father last night at the banquet. He is the Earl's carpenter we hear."

"Yes, my Lady." I bob my head.

"His work is of high talent," she replies. A statement, not a question.

Lord Golding then speaks for the first time. "You're widowed."

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