20. Maybe your pinky

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A/N: Again, violence in this chapter, beware!

I wake, my head is thumping loudly in pain and I can't think.

My vision goes in and out, the whole world is blurry, how long have I been out. My vision slowly returns and I realise that I must have been out for a bit, long enough to be dragged off the street, to where I don't know.

I slowly sit up, head spinning and take in my surroundings.

I'm in a barely lit building, an animal shed or something, hay is littering the floor around me, and a shadow of a man stands in the doorway, the cool night air coming in. I pause, his back is turned and he hasn't noticed I'm awake.

Where to go from here?

I stay still, trying to think, but my thoughts are not being collected. Suddenly the man turns around and sees me.

"You're awake at last." He strides over, towering over me.

I say nothing.

"Get up." He orders.

I slowly stand, blood rushing to my head. I wobble but manage to stay standing.

"Follow me." He turns on his heels and strides out the door. I follow but once out the door I run.

Not knowing where I am I dash around the building and run straight into someone.

"Its you wench!" Hisses the man that I took out, Brian if I remember correctly. "I have her!" He calls out, letting my other guard know I'm not free anymore.

"Aye mate!" He calls from around the corner, "She's a slimy one, be careful with 'er and bring 'er in now."

I try to free myself but his grip is tight. "Time for you to be taken in, and get what you deserve,"

He drags me back around and into a new building where I see everyone else from earlier, Sage is tied up in a corner with a man standing guard beside him. Alan and the two other men are talking quietly, seated around a table.

"Here the little bugger is."

They look up and Alan begins, "So sleeping beauty is awake again, at last, time for her and her prince to go retrieve our money."

"What?!" Exclaims Brian. "She needs to be punished, she bloody hurt me!"

Alan narrows his eyes and thinks, "What would you have me order Brian?"

"We change the plans! The wench stays here with us, and the lad retrieves the money, and if he tries anything, we will chop her pretty little head off, how does that sound?"

One of the men holding Sage looks to the leader, "Alan! We only want the money for our families! We don't want blood spilt! Just let her go! She's only a weak women!"

"Yes! Please don't hurt her," Sage begs, "I'll get all of our money, just don't do anything to her, she didn't mean to hurt you!"

Yes, I did.

"Alan! She sure did mean to kick me! Head was extreme but maybe a finger or two can be taken off." Brian exclaims.

But I like my fingers.

Alan, says nothing.

"No! Don't do that, I beg of you!" Sage pleads.

Alan turns to Sage, "Why not? She hurt my men, although head was an extreme idea, a finger or two, or maybe rather a toe for kicking my man, wouldn't hurt," He then grins a toothy smile, "or at least wouldn't hurt that much."

"She didn't mean to! She has no control!" Sage pleads, and the men look confused and even I am confused too, this is making my head hurt more. "You see it's her moon flow at the moment! It takes ahold of her and makes her become very violent! It is not her fault!"

The reaction among them is instant.

Like touching a red hot poker Brian violently pushes me away from him and I fall down next to Sage, head hitting the wall and black briefly clotting my view.

A gasp fills the room.

"Wait, did, did you say it's her," A fuzzy figure pauses and drops his voice, "moon flow time?"

"Yes!" Sage cries, my head throbs in pain at the loud noise and I put it between by knees.

"Alan, please listen to him!" Another man pleads to his leader, "This happens to my sister! It takes ahold of her body, turning her into a beast, she seems like she has no control, we only want money to feed our families, we don't want to harm anyone,"

"This women changed those plans when she kicked me, her blood should be spilt," Brian growls.

"My blood is spilling already, has been for day," I groan, but no one picks up on it.

More discussion follows but my ears are ringing and I miss it.

"Take him to the inn and get all their money." Alan finally orders, loud and clear. "Then bring him back to retrieve the girl."

Sage struggles from beside me and I vaguely hear, "Don't hurt her!"

With much effort I lift my head up and see him being lead off quickly out of the room and I am left alone with the Adam and one other man, thankfully not Brian.

Adam's tall hazy figure looms over me, and I only catch on to parts of what he's saying, "... Be a gentleman... you choose..." The pounding in my head is worsening and I can barely focus on his words now, black spots clouding my vision. "... which pretty finger comes off... how about that?"

I try to answer but it comes out incomprehensible.

"Whats that?" He bends down and roughly grabs my hand, "Your thumb? Or was that your middle finger?"

I whimper, shaking my head.

"Maybe your pinky, that wouldn't have much effect though, or how about—"

"—How about I don't kill you right now and instead turn you in, I bet the sheriff would love to have words with you, you fowl man." A strong voice utters, commanding power.

I try to turn my head, and it lolls to the side and I catch sight of the silhouette of a tall man, strong and standing in the doorway, a sword in his hands.

A feeble smile fills my face and I sigh in relief.

My knight is here.


Although again not the longest chapter, I felt it was the best decision to split this, and the last chapter into two instead of one super long one, though what do you guys prefer?

Also for those curious about my posting schedule the aim is for at least once a week on Friday or Saturday, however I often might post 2 or even 3 times per week if I feel like it and early updates do occur!

Anyways hope you enjoyed, and if so, I'd appreciate it if you voted and commented your thoughts :)

SouthernAlps over and out...

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