42. Fireflies

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The festival begins at sunset.

The sky turns a fiery red, signalling to the villagers to gather at the top of the village and began the celebrations.

Dressed now in my fine blue surcoat, which is surprisingly warmer than I'd expected it to be, I start weaving in and out of the crowd, looking for a familiar face.

Killian had gone back off after assisting me with carrying the baskets and trays, leaving me to work side by side with the other ladies, frantically trying to get everything done before darkness fell. It was only once the last platter had been taken out into the hall were we able to get ready for the evening.

Gisela had thankfully thought everything out, and had brought over our evening outfits to change into in the small room behind the kitchen rather then returning back to her home in a rush.

"I need to do that next year," Breena had sighed, "I am off home now, I shall see you both probably later tonight."

"Goodbye," I called out from the other room, only to return to the kitchen to find all the other ladies gone aside from Gisela. We tucked away our day clothes in a cubby and then Gisela sat me down on the floor and starts brushing my hair with a comb that she has conjured up from thin air.

"Hmm, I think we shall go with a traditional look," she had thought out loud to herself.

"And what is that?" I had asked curiously.

"You shall see." And without turning around, I could hear the grin in her voice.

Whilst I sat there, Gisela told me more about the festival, about how the villagers paraded down the streets towards the village centre where dancing and music happened along with food, storytelling and fire performances.

"There, I have finished."

"Thank you," I said, standing up excitedly, "let us go find the others,"

"Go on ahead, I have already agreed to walk up with a few friends of mine, we are meeting in the square so we can miss the rampage of youngsters."

I laughed at that, "I shall see you later then."

She nodded and we left the kitchen together before parting ways, and that is how I find myself in the midsts of people wandering up the hill.

Around me I recognise no one, not even Alice or a lady from the kitchen, only complete strangers. With a sigh I keep walking, looks a though I shall be alone for now. My spirits aren't dampened for long though, the smiles and joy around me brighten my mood and I can't help but laugh and join in with singing villagers. Their songs are foreign to me, but the melodies are catching and easy to hum along to.

As I'm walking I briefly catch sight of myself in the reflection of a window and let out a little gasp, I hardly look like myself at all. Gisela has twisted parts of my hair up into a beautiful plait laden with three blue ribbons that I had not even realised she'd placed in my hair. The rest of my locks fall down my back in waves, free from the restraints of pins and plaits.

My body however is the opposite, instead of looser clothes my figure is being hugged by the surcoat, its colour seemingly darker than before and yet the silver swirls and belt have grown more prominent. Looking around I see that my outfit fits in with the styles of many other women who are all wearing their finer clothes with elaborate hair styles to finish off their looks, some people have gone all out with their outfits from appearing like swans to warriors, it is a range of looks which all capture my attention.

We eventually reach the top of the village and enter a field, its far corners seeping upwards, becoming one with the mountains.

I peel off from the group that I had been adopted by and wander over to some rocks protruding from the ground. Carefully I climb up onto them and am finally able to see out over the sea of people, however with the dying light, shadows are being cast and features are turning less identifiable causing me to have to strain my eyes to focus my gaze on people.

I realise pretty soon that finding people from here is not as easy as it looks but decide to stay on my higher location because even though I cannot pick out Sage or any of the others from up here, there is a chance that they can maybe see me instead.

I take a seat on the rocks and breathe in the evening air, looking on in wonder as the festival begins. Five people, light sticks and hold them in formation around an older man who begins to step out a little way in front of the crowd.

"That is the village leader ..." I turn my head with a start and come face to face with Sage.

"You found me!" I exclaim, relief flooding into me.

"Of course," he grins, "no way would I let you celebrate without me,"

I pat the rocks surface beside me, "Care to join? The view is better from up here."

Sage clambers up and sits beside me just as the old man at the front begins talkings.

"Greetings to you all," his booming voice calls out, surprising me with its strength, "another year has been and gone and we have made it through in mostly one piece." This line receives a laugh from the crowd, "As you all know, today marks the day of our freedom, the day that Swanhild and the swans saved us all," he lowered his voice, "for those who want to hear the full legend, Henriette shall be gifting us her story telling it by the oak tree in the green later this evening, other activities that shall take place throughout the evening including fire performances, dancing, singing, food for all and much more,"

A lady runs up the man and whispers something to him, to which he nods then starts talking to the crowd again, "I hear that specially for the youngsters this year there is torch making with Bert outside the blacksmithss... And that is enough talking from me, let the celebrations begin!"

The crowd let out an excited whoop and the people holding the fire torches proudly hold them up into the air.

"You ready?" I ask with a grin.

"I was born ready,"

I laugh, "Except in the mornings,"

"Hey!" He exclaims, "Travelling is tiring!"

"I know, I know, I am no better."

I jump down off the rock and Sage follows.

"I have to say, Gisela did a good job dressing you, those clothes make you look like you belong to a noble family." Sage looks me up and down.

I hold my arms up, admiring the designs on them yet again, "I feel like I'm noble."

"Tis my pleasure to make you acquaintance lady Ell," Sage mockingly bows with a playful smile on his face.

I laugh, then put on a haughty expression, "Don't talk to me peasant,"

Sage holds his chest in fake anguish which makes me laugh again.

"Come on, we do not want to be at the back of the crowd," I say, dragging Sage into the midst of the people beginning to walk in a procession. At the front, fire on sticks are being dramatically swung in patterns by people, dancing like fireflies in the now dark sky.


And I'm back with a late update, really sorry guys! Over the next few weeks my posting will be most likely at random times due to a crazy schedule but after that it should sort itself out again!

Thank you to those of you who have stuck with me and my story, I appreciate you all!

SouthernAlps over and out...

Goodbye to the Knight✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu