50. England... cold, wet and dreary?

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"It is time to get up Ell,"

I groan, Sage is standing beside me, gently shaking my shoulder. Outside the sky is still pitch black, not even the birds are awake yet and I can't help but let out a yawn.

"Gisela has left some sludge on the stove for us," Sage whispers

"Okay, I will be down in a few, I just need to get dressed." I reply quietly.

He leaves me to change, which I quickly do.

As a thank you for helping save the village, the villagers had generously gifted us bags that are designed for walking long distances through the mountains and so, after tending to the village and it's people, we prepared everything for the morning so we can leave without hassle.

Last night was also the night of sorrowful goodbyes to a handful of people, I had thanked Gisela from the bottom of my heart for taking us all in, for gifting me travel wear which she brushed off with a smile and came in for a warm embrace.

I had also said my goodbye to Griffin who had gently pushed his large head against my torso, as if to say, 'it is only a temporary break' for that is what it will be. Sage was able to arrange for the horses to be taken a different, but longer route to our final destination by village traders in a few weeks, much to my relief.

With warm clothes now on I stumble downstairs and to the kitchen where Killian and Sage are already seated, eating the porridge left out for us.

"Morning," I say, scooping myself some porridge out of pot.

Killian nods in greeting, his dark hair slightly ruffled giving him a less serious look.

"Blimey it is cold this morning," Sage remarks, "I cannot say that I am not glad to be leaving these mountains."

"Yes, I too am looking forward to warmer days without frost biting winds." Killian says.

"Do you get hot summer's at your estate?" I ask curious.

"Yes," he pauses, "long hot days spent outside,"

"Do we both live in the same country?" I laugh.

He laughs and shakes his head with a smile, "Maybe not."

"Yeah, I did not think so, the England I know is cold, wet and dreary almost all the time."

"England... cold, wet and dreary? Never!" Sage exclaims, laughing sarcastically.

Killian folds his arms with a sigh, "I like to ignore the miserable days."

"Don't we all?" I laugh.

We continue making amiable conversation whilst finishing breakfast and then washing up, until finally we are all ready to leave.

"Shall we hit the track?" Sage says with a grin, opening the front door and swooping his arm out in a big gesture.

"Why of course kind sir," I curtsey as gracefully as I can with a heavy bag on my back and then walk out the door, wobbling slightly as I try to adjust the bags weight to be distributed evenly on my hips and shoulders.

I shiver slightly in the cold morning air, my breath forming small clouds hanging in the air for a few brief seconds. As we make our way out of the sleeping village the birds begin to slowly start waking up, chirping to one another and singing greetings or what feels like a goodbye to us.

"How is you shoulder fairing?" Killian asks Sage, breaking the sleepy silence.

"It is doing very well, a wee sword scratch cannot take me down," he replies, however as the day goes on I notice him favouring his other arm more and slowly rubbing it when he thinks neither Killian or I are watching him.

The stead ascent out of the village takes until midday and leaves us all, including even Killian, rather breathless and with hearts pumping. As we stand at the top, catching our breath, I can't help but gape at the landscape around me. It is as though we have entered a new world.

Out of the sheltered green valley is nature at full force, snowy peaks fill my view with granite rocks stand high and proud through the snow ridges. Full gusts of cool wind hit us and my cap almost goes flying off had I not caught it in time and in the distance is ominous dark grey clouds, slowly making their way over the mountains towards us.

"Wow," I breathe.

"Wow indeed," Sage echoes.

"We must go with speed these next few days," Killian comes up to us and hands out some dried fruit, "eat and get the sugar in you. If we get caught by that storm it could be a battle for our lives."

I gulp knowing full well the tales told about travellers getting hit by the famous mountain snow storm never to return to their peaceful villages again.

"Have we left in time?" I ask, tentatively.

Killian nods, "We should make it."

His words are somewhat comforting for I know Killian would not give us false hope.

"That is a relief, I do not want to end up as another story told to children warning them away from this path," Sage says, confirming that I was not the only one beginning to think we would end up as a sad story.

"We shall end up in a story if we stop this long at every peak," Killian tells us, "come, it is time we move again."

Up and down, side to side we go, the snowy landscape making it harder to follow the track windy through the mountains. A few times we are have to go back and re-find the hidden track after accident following an animals track instead. Alice's clothes are keeping me snug and warm and I inwardly thank her yet again for the design, the idea of wearing a dress through these mountains making my brain squirm.


Days go by in an odd manner. Sometimes it seems as though time is honey running off a spoon, slow and tantalising allowing the dark storm clouds in our rear vision to draw ever closer and causing us to walk later in the day and get up even earlier the next. Sometimes however, time goes by fast and before I know it, the day is over and we are sitting around a crackling fire telling stories and filling our stomachs with hot food.

All in all, it could be a lot worst.


Ah this chapter brought back camping memories! I am a huge fan of grabbing a backpack and tramping out into the wilderness with everything I need on my back! 

Who's a fan of camping, or is glamping better ahaha? 

SouthernAlps over and out...

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