Chapter 2

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It's been a couple of days since Arthur had claimed, not just Atlan's trident, but the kingdom of Atlantis as well.

Mera and Arthur got very close during that experience, but in a friend sort of way. It was a definite step up to what they were before. The kingdom in those two days have been apprehensive about Arthur as king, but some are starting to come around. And Arthur surely was enjoying himself as king, while queen Atlanna was peaceful with Arthur's father on land.

However, as great as things were, something caught the mind of the young red haired princess as she was laying on her bed. She had not forgotten about the man that had helped her back in Italy. The way he battled those soldiers blew her mind. 'How could a human possibly handle two Atlantean soldiers?' she thought to herself.

She rolled onto her side as she continued to get lost in her thoughts. Now that Mera thought about that man more, she had to admit.......he was kinda cute. She blushed in her silent admittance and grinned.

"Mera." Said a voice from above her. Mera looked to to the face if her father, King Nereus. "Why so happy today?" He asked.

"Hi Dad. Nothing, I just got lost my thoughts." Mera answered. Even though he abandoned Orm when Arthur proved to be the true king, she knew that he still wasn't exactly fond of the surface world. Best if the man remains a secret for now.

"Ah. Well, I'm just wanting to see how my daughter was doing this fine day." Nereus grinned. Mera smiled back and Nereus then took off to somewhere else.

Mera released a sigh of relief as she sat on a nearby rock. Now that she thought about it some more, she felt kinda bad for the way she acted towards him. He was trying to be friendly and all, but the trident came first. 'Wish I could have learned his name.' Mera thought to herself. But then she shook her head to clear her thoughts. 'Mera what are you doing? You're thinking about a surface dweller! Keep a level head!' she thought to herself,

She then swam off into the open, towards the palace of Atlantis. Even though she tried not to, her mind still wavered to the mysterious surface dweller in Italy.


New York

Safe to say that Peter Parker was an absolute mess when he had returned to the big apple. He had finally managed to put himself to sleep after a long sleepless night.

Throughout the entire journey home, he couldn't stop thinking about that red-headed woman he encountered in Italy. And secretly, while he knew it was highly unlikely, he had hoped that one day he would see her again. But for now, he could just enjoy the fact that he had finally paid off his bills and enjoy the sweet sensation of his mattress making contact with his face.....for a few minutes.

His phone started vibrating on his bedside shelf. Peter sleepily reached over and grabbed it and looked at his screen. His police radio station app, which he used to identify crime as Spider-Man, was sending a notification.

"All units, level four mobilization. Location--Fisk Tower." The officer on the radio announced.

At those last two words, Peter instantly sprang up. "Fisk?!" He said to himself in excitement, as he heard police sirens outside of the building.

Wilson Fisk, aka the Kingpin, is one of Peter's greatest foes. Throughout the eight years of being Spider-Man, there  have been a whole bunch of opportunities to turn him into the police, but there has always been a lack of evidence to actually pull the trigger on his arrest. Until now.

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