Chapter 17

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"So, you still don't want to be seen?" Spider-Man asked Mera as they entered the back of the bank once the authorities had entered to claim Shocker.

"You know, I've been thinking." Mera said. "Maybe the time has come for Atlanteans to make themselves known to the world. Maybe if the world knew that there were others living in the ocean, then life would be better for all life on the world." Mera's thoughts suddenly got positive and hopeful. "However, I don't think I'm the one who should announce it to the world." she added.

"Understandable." Spider-Man said, rotating his shoulder. "Man, Shocker was not playing around tonight. He was scared and desperate."

"You're hurt?" Mera asked, placing her hands on Spider-Man's shoulder.

"I'm fine. It'll only hurt for a little while, but I will be okay. Promise." he reassured.

"Peter if you die from that, I'm gonna kill you." Mera said.

Spider-Man couldn't tell if she was being serious of if she was joking. "I won't, don't worry." he finally said. Then he called Yuri through his mask and said, "All right Yuri. Shocker's all yours."

"Nice work. We've got a special cell waiting for him at the Raft. We'll make sure he stays behind bars this time." Yuri responded.

"Also, I think he was working for the Demon gang." Spider-Man said.

"Demon gang? Sounds like a funky gang. I'll get back to you once I gather more info." Yuri said. "By the way, how much of a mess did you make in that bank?" she asked.

Spider-Man hesitated. "You probably don't wanna know." he said after a moment. He heard Yuri sigh.

"Shouldn't have asked." Yuri said, before hanging up.

"You know......she is a little suspicious about you Mera." Spider-Man said, turning to the red head once the line ended.

"What told her about me?" Mera asked, starting to feel a little hurt, knowing that she told him specifically not to tell anyone about her.

"No, no, no I didn't." Spider-Man said. "But other witnesses did. And Despite my efforts to tell her that I never knew about you, I've got a pretty good feeling that she can see through my lie."

"Well......maybe I'll introduce myself one day......maybe." Mera said. "In the mean time, I could have some fun right now." Mera said, not wanting to return to Atlantis just yet for a variety of reasons.

"Well.......I could take you for a swing around the city if you want." Spider-Man offered. Mera just looked at him with a  smile on her face.

"That sounds interesting." she said. "Although the last time I was so high up, I felt sick to my stomach." she added, remembering the plane ride with Arthur.

"Is that what caused you to jump from that plane?" Spider-Man asked, with a bit of a grin in his voice. Mera picked it up and grinned.

"I would be lying if I said it may have paid a small portion as to why I jumped." she said with a chuckle. "But I think I can make an exception here." she added, walking closer to Spider-Man.

Spider-Man held his hand for Mera to take, which she did, and then he put her on his back. When the sea princess' hands went around his torso, Spider-Man released a goofy grin "Hold on tight princess." Spider-Man said, just before jumping and firing a web line to one of the buildings.

"Woah!" Mera yelled as they soared through the first few buildings. To Mera, this by far trumps the plane ride. Just feeling the wind rushing to her face, the sudden drops that occured that boosted her excitement, and the all-star of a man that she was clinging onto. "This is amazing!" she called out.

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