Chapter 15

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Peter woke up in absolute bliss the next morning. That date with Mera couldn't have gone any better. And he was hoping that Mera was feeling the same exact way.

Then his thoughts were cut short due to his cell phone starting to ring. Groaning, Peter answered it. "Hello?"

'"Peter, it's Dr. Octavius." Otto said on the other line.

"Oh hey. What's up?" Peter said, sitting up in his bed.

"Lance Corporal Texidor is here for a fitting." Otto said.

Peter's eyes grew wide and he looked at his clock. It read '11:15.' 'Oh crud!' he thought to himself. They we're supposed to do that fitting at 11am. He must've slept in.

"Oh my gosh, I totally slept in and forgot! I'll be over there real soon." Peter said, getting up and getting ready. He heard Octavius sigh before he replied.

"This tardiness is becoming a pattern. Come on Parker, you're better than this." He said, before he hung up.

Peter inwardly sighed. This is a down side to all of the hero work that he does. It at times interferes with his personal life. Though in this case, he can't really use that as an excuse since he was out with Mera.

He got his lab gear and put on his Spider-Man outfit and headed for Octavius industries. On the way he received another phone call. This one was from Aunt May.

"Morning Peter." Aunt May said.

"Morning Aunt May." Peter said, swinging onto the top of a nearby building.

"Peter, Mr. Li spoke to me. He seemed......worried. Are you doing something dangerous?" She asked.

Spider-Man had to stop himself from laughing out loud. Of course he's doing something dangerous! He's been doing a dangerous line of work for eight years now.

"It's just a story that Mary Jane is investigating." Spider-Man said. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she's safe."

"You two were such a great couple. Are you thinking of getting back together with her?" Aunt May asked.

That sentence made Spider-Man stop dead in his tracks. Until recently, he kinda had been hoping for exactly that. But now.......his heart belongs to someone else. He's moved on. But that doesn't mean Mary Jane can't still be in his life.....right?

"Well.....the thing is Aunt May....I'm actually seeing someone else." Spider-Man said.

"Oh. You mean that lovely lady that you introduced me to? What was her name again?" Aunt May asked.

"Mera." Spider-Man answered, smiling a little at the sound of her name.

"Ah yes, Mera. She was indeed a lovely person to be around. Is she the one you are seeing?" May asked.

"Yes. We just had our first date yesterday." Spider-Man replied.

"So..... you're not planning to patch things up with MJ?" May asked.

"Well, I didn't say that. We are talking again. But we're not getting into that again." Spider-Man said, feeling more and more uncomfortable about that topic. "I hope I didn't upset Mr. Li." he quickly added, hoping to change the topic.

"He's just concerned. He really likes you, and how dedicated you are to helping others." Aunt May said. "I think you remind him of himself when he was younger. Both orphans, both so smart." she added.

"Well the admiration is mutual." Spider-Man said, hurdling more buildings. "You've got a great boss Aunt May."

"I'll tell him you said that. I love you." Aunt May said.

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