Chapter 27

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Mera was swimming back in the direction of New York after her shirt stay at the light house. She is still unsure about her feelings, but now she knows to let time pass and move at her own pace, in regards to Peter and her father.

Speaking of Peter, she had really missed him. Just the thought of seeing him again made her accelerate through the waters even more. "I wonder how he's handling the Demon situation right now." she said to herself as she continued to swim.

Then, at long last, she finally returned to the all-too-familiar city of New York. She was about to swim towards it when something bright and red exploded from the water and hit her. Mera was forced onto the concrete, screaming in pain. She looked down at her forearms and saw the red blast had injured her there, and winced at the stinging sensation.

'What in the-' Mera thought to herself as the civilians in the area scattered away to an area so they could see what was happening. Then a black figure flew right out of the ocean and right in front of Mera. Only once it was right in front of her, could she see two red ovals for eyes that were glowing.

Mera recognized this figure. "You! You're the one who attacked me in Italy!" she yelled.

"That's right." the figure said, grabbing a hold of Mera by the neck. "And now you are going to tell me. Where is Aquaman?!"

Mera used her powers and summoned a giant wave that separated the figure from Mera. Gasping, Mera tried getting to her feet. But out of the corner of her eye, she saw the figure's oval light up again. She quickly jumped out of the way, just as the beams fired, and instead of hitting her, it hit a massive building behind her. The building crumbled down with a hard impact as a result.

Meanwhile, a little ways away, Spider-Man was on top of a building. Normally the hero would be in a much happier mood, but on this night, safe to say he was a little salty.

"Maybe I did screw up a bit with Standish. But MJ's the one who snuck into the middle of an armed military camp! And she expects me not to worry and watch her?! I understand if she wants to do things on her own, but this is completely-" his words were cut off when he heard a loud blast in the distance.

"What was that?!" he said, looking in the direction from where the blast came from. He then started swinging to the area. He was surprised to see a building had collapsed near the ocean, as he surveyed the scene.

He then caught a sight that made his frown turn upside down. He saw Mera by the ocean, running away from what seemed like a wrecked site, but then he saw she was really running from. It was the same figure that he saw in Italy fighting Arthur, and now it looks like he's after Mera!

'Not on my watch pal!' Spider-Man thought and he swung toward the figure. Mera had tripped and fallen onto the floor as she was running. The figure caught up to her and pressed his foot down on her throat, his ovals lighting up again.

But before he could fire another blast at Mera, Spider-Man swung in and kicked the figure in the head. The kick knocked the figure off his feet and off of Mera, who had suddenly noticed the web head's appearance.

"Spider-Man!" she called out happily.

"Miss me?" Spider-Man asked, before he heard the figure get back to his feet. "Nice costume, let's talk design details." Spider-Man quibbed at the figure.

"Out of my way freak!" the figure bellowed, bringing out a sword. But Spider-Man quickly shot a web at the sword and yanked it out of his hands.

"Now that's no way to say hello!" Spider-Man said. "Afraid I'll have to take you in Mr........" he said, waiting for a name.

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