Chapter 6

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"Before you were conceived I didn't know it but I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you."

The party is beautiful. The girls did an amazing job. But I am a little overwhelmed by the amount of people in Summers back yard. There has to be almost 100 people!

Summer told me to not worry about the number of people but to relax and enjoy the fact that this many people are happy for me.

Abandoned by my friends who went to grab the cake I feel a little ambushed.

People keep coming up and introducing themselves with names like "Butch, Tank, Bloody, Assassin..." They have been introducing their "old ladies" to me. And their Old Ladies keep hugging me and inviting me to hang out. To say I am a little overwhelmed and scared would be an understatement.

I know this is not a normal that most people would love this but I have spent years secluded in a house with just the devil for company. I no longer know how to communicate and entertain this many people. My mother would be so disappointed in me if she were here to see me.

"Are you okay honey?" I hear a deep voice ask from behind me before stepping to my side and taking my hand. Looking up I see Texas.

"There is a lot of people here." I say avoiding the question.

"Yeah there are, does that make you nervous?" He asks with concern.

I just shrug my shoulders because that's not really all of why I'm scared. Looking up at Texas I see him looking over his people.

"Why do they call you Texas?" I ask avoiding the question again.

"Because I'm big." He says with a shrug.

"So do all bikers get their names from their physical attributes or personality?" I ask feeling a little braver and skidding around my real fear.

"Well yeah I guess you could say that but you need to know no one here would hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you or that baby." He nods down to my bump that I have shielded with my arm since I got here.

"Your their leader right?" I ask pulling my hand free and crossing my arms.

"Their president." He corrects watching me carefully as I put space between us.

"So if you wanted to hurt me you could just order them to do it?" I ask nodding my head at his men.

"Baby no one is going to hurt you, why are you asking these questions?" He asks frustration clear in his gruff voice. Taking a larger step back from his anger he takes a step forward. We continue to do this until I am up against the house.

Lightly brushing my hair out of my face, he also pushes my glasses back into place. "I don't know what your baby daddy did to you but we are not him, I am not him. No one is going to hurt you here. You are under my protection and as far as I am concerned that little life you are holding is my future." He says in a gruff voice while continuing to crowd my space.

"He isn't my baby daddy just a sperm donor, and it doesn't matter. I am here now and he isn't I just wanted to make sure that I haven't escaped one ass hat to end up with a hundred others. And as far as your future goes you can shove it up your ass and leave me and MY baby alone." I clarify jerking my chin up in false bravado. Who in the Hell does he think he is?

"Tell me who the sperm donor is and you can stop worrying all together. Hiding isn't real safety it's just a false since of freedom but I will fix that for you." He says in a serious voice.

How did we get on this subject? How did I admit that I ran away from Red? My mind is spinning.

"I'm fine, we are fine." I say holding my belly.

"Now if you would excuse me I have a cake to cut to find out what gender my little angel is." Stepping around his tense body he let's me leave to go find his sister. I can't let my walls down around him, everything in me wants to let him in. He isn't safe I remind myself as I walk away.

"Hey Lilly." He calls when I am a couple of steps away. "What do you want it to be?" He asks nodding at my belly.

"Healthy." I murmur before joining the party.

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