Chapter 18

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Photo of Claire

Pulling into Reds driveway my adrenaline is through the roof. Finally the night I have waited for.

Looking at the house for what feels like the hundredth time I am reminded that my little Lilly lived in this shit hole for years.

It's a poorly insulated old house in the middle of the woods. There are holes in the roof and the walls look so thin that I bet you could feel a strong gust of wind through them.

What in the Hell does he spend his money on?

This is such a strong contrast to the classy bakery and apartment Lilly created for herself. My beautiful woman has really turned her life around.

It's been 4 weeks since I have saw my Angel and it's driving me crazy! She won't answer my calls but Kelsey says she seems like she is dealing with something so I am giving her, her space. But as soon as I get back she can kiss that space good bye and we will deal with whatever together.

If this Son of a Bitch would have got back to me sooner and had not given me the run around I could have settled things with Lilly by now. He has dragged his feet through this whole fucking process but I knew if I dangled the carrot he would eventually bite.

Greedy bastard.

I was right he is an ambitious Son of a Bitch who wants to get into the gun running business. The cocky mother fucker has agreed to meet with me tonight to discuss a partnership. As if.

The Veterans MC works alone and we sure as Hell would not ever work with this slime ball.

Walking up the broken steps I knock on the door. I'm mildly concerned that the deck might give under my weight and I might end up under this shit hole of a house. Who in the fuck even had business meetings in their home?

A pretty little thing answers. Fuck she is covered in bruises, poor girl. Her hands are shaking and all I can see is my Lilly in her. This must be what Lilly looked like answering the door for Reds other "associates."

"Hello darling, I am here to see Red." I say in a gentle voice trying to soothe her.

"Little bitch can't hear you she is deaf!" Red says pushing past the girl, nocking her on her ass.

Red is a big man with dark black hair and freakishly red facial hair. He is just an inch shorter than my 6'3 but weighs much less. He has more lean muscle while I am heavy with it. He is not a bad looking man, I can see how Lilly and that little girl could find him attractive. But God knows his beauty is only skin deep. Because he is one nasty son of a bitch.

I fight the urge to help the little lady up who has stayed at Reds feet but send Red a cold stare instead. Helping her would make me look weak and give him the upper hand in this short little game.

"No hearing aids?" I ask instead.

"They are put away in my room, the little whore is in trouble so I took them away." He grumbles before lifting his chin and motioning for her to get up and scram. She does, quickly running out of the room.

I feel myself start to vibrate with anger. I remember a terrified Lilly crying over the dark and blurry world around her because of punishments like the one that poor girl is suffering.

"I guess you really know how to control your women.... But I thought you had a bounty out for your girl." I say in a casual tone as if I didn't care.

"Yeah, she has taken a temporary leave of absence. I like to keep one in the house with me at all times so that's her replacement for now. I like a home cooked meal and a pussy waiting for me at all times. This one is just new only been here for a couple months. She still has a lot to learn. I figured my old one can teach her how to act. Two has to be better than one." He says with a smirk.

I feel sick at his comment knowing exactly what he is talking about. Nasty little fucker just playing with girls lives. It's all a game to him.

"Have you found the other one yet? Does she like the idea of sharing you?"

"No the fucking bitch has done a good job of hiding but I will find her. I always do... Why do you care? I thought you were here to talk guns." He asks looking at me a little closer.

"Yeah about that I do not think we are going to get to that part." I say pulling my gun out.

"You asked why I care and I guess it's only fair to answer a dying man's last question. I care because that beautiful woman you are talking about is now MY girl. You know the one you abused, that woman you put a bounty out on, that girl you could not appreciate and have already replaced. She is mine now and she is carrying YOUR baby who is also MINE." I say placing the barrel between his eyes.

Instead of pissing his pants or panicking like most men have done when I put them in this situation Red just laughs.

"Yours huh? I bet you have saw that she will never be yours. Have you saw my art work?  Have you saw my initials? Yeah you can kill me but it will never erase that she will ALWAYS be mine." He yells, spit goes across my face. Charming.

"No point in arguing with a dead man." I say as I pull the trigger. He will never know how wrong he is.

Stepping over his dead body I pull my phone out and call Trigger.

"Target is down." I say and hang up. Him and the other boys will be by shortly to clean up the mess and make it look like he died in a house fire. We do good work.

Looking for the girl I find her in a bedroom sitting on a large bed. The sheets look clean like the rest of the inside of the house. In fact the house is spotless.

Looking in the nightstand I find her hearing aids and hand them to her.

She carefully puts them on with trembling hands.

"You killed him didn't you?" She asks in a quiet voice. A small scared smile on her  battered face.

"I did." I say in a gently sitting beside her.

"Thank you." She says falling into my arms.

"My name is Claire."

What am I going to do with her?

Okay y'all comment and vote to let me know what you think!

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