Chapter 12

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Photo of Snake.

After Texas leaves I piddle around the house for a bit cleaning it up before deciding to make a trip to the city.

There is one about an hour away that has a baby store that is going out of business. Maybe I can find some good deals.

Last night and this morning were perfect. I am trying to not read too much into it but a large part of me just wants to relax and see what happens.

Maybe if I go into this without any expectations then I can't have my heart broken.

I drive to the city listening to the radio, until I get a call from Kelsey.

Hey girl where are you at? I stopped by your house but the car was gone.

I'm just going into the city to look for Zaylee some things. I really need to get to work on her nursery!

Oh I wish you would have told me! The boys are all at a meeting and Summer, Megan, and I are bored! We would have come with!

I instantly feel guilty. I am so used to being alone, to doing everything by myself that I often forget my friends.

Why don't yall come over when I get back? You can help me start on her room and we can eat pizza!

And you can tell us about your date with MY brother!

How did you know about that?!?!?

Is Texas the kind to kiss and tell... His sister? God I hope not.

I didn't but now I do!  Neither of you would answer your phones last night and you both ALWAYS answer so I put two and two together.... And came up with you are sleeping with my brother!!!!!

You know most girls would not get excited over that right?

Most girls are stupid! I'm happy for you Lilly are you happy?

Yeah I smile I really really am. For some crazy reason he makes me happy.

After talking with Kelsey I was in the best of moods while shopping. I found a beautiful grey crib that is affordable, and the rest of the future as well. They are going to ship it to me this week.

I also found her bedding, a rug, an abstract looking purple photo that I am a little obsessed over, and some cute outfits.

Her nursery will not be traditional but I think it will be beautiful.

Overall I feel really satisfied with my trip. I think that I got a lot of the big things out of the way!

By the time I am leaving the store and packing up my stuff I am on cloud nine and do not even notice the man approaching.

"Well if it isn't Reds girl! You are a long way from home Lilly!" Whipping around I see Snake, one of Reds business partners.

He had come to the house on several occasions for dinner. He was one of the few men I did not mind coming over. Although he was scary to look at he never touched me or degraded me. If anything he was always extra nice to me.

But clearly that has changed because before I know what's happening his fist lands on my right brow, and then again under my right eye, making my head come back and hit my car, and smashing my glasses. Trying to get away I turn to run but he quickly grabs me by the throat and has me pinned up against my car.

"Now listen here girly, you tell your man he still owes me money and I don't care to take it back in flesh." He says looking over my body slowly. I know the second he realizes I am pregnant because I can fell the shock in his tightened muscles.

A shiver of dread runs down my spine as I quickly try and cover it up.

"He is not my man anymore Snake, and no this is NOT his baby." I croak the lie praying that he believes me. I am starting to see spots.

"Fuck Lilly I'm sorry. Damn it I have never hit a woman before! I didn't know you were pregnant!" Snake apologizes as releases my neck as he frantically tries to stop the bleeding coming from somewhere on my face. I can feel it falling down my face, onto my neck, as it travels down the valley of my breasts.

I just wheeze in response, unable to catch my breath.

"I just wanted him to see you with some bruises so he knew I was serious about the money. I wanted to scare you a little is all. Did you really leave that cock sucker?" He asks as he continues to blot the blood.

"I did and I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell him where I am." I say in a shaking voice.

"Yeah, fuck. I really am sorry. I really wouldn't have done anything to you. Your too nice." I can hear the sincerity in voice but it does not stop the fear from chocking me.

"Can I go Snake?" I ask in a small voice I just want to go back home.

"Um yeah, fuck Lilly I really am sorry! And I'm sorry about breaking your glasses!" He apologizes again, before shoving a handful full of cash into my shaking palms.

"Use this to buy a new pair!" I just nod my head and clumsily slip into my car.

Now what am I going to do? I can't drive without my glasses.

Well y'all get ready for a pissed of Texas in the next chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote to let me know how you feel!

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