Chapter 13

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Stepping out of church I feel satisfied. I will leave town tomorrow to eliminate the threat on my girls lives.

The vote was unanimous and the plans have been made. A team full of men will be leaving within the hour to start watching Red. Once they get there they will figure out the best way to eliminate him.

I had debated for a long time if it was right to drag the club into this. I had originally planned on going rogue and handling it myself. But I need to be back as soon as possible and it will be quicker to have a team of men.

We need to strike early because I need to be close by. The closer we get to Lilly's due date the closer I need to get with her.

I know it's crazy but I want us to be a family before Zaylee gets here and that does not leave me a lot of time.

Feeling my phone vibrate I can't help but smile when I see Lilly's name flash across the screen.

I hope this means she already misses me. Stepping outside for some privacy the boys do not need to hear me get all soft and shit like I always do with her.

Hey baby, miss me already?

Texas? Lilly sobs. My heart stops at her voice and my good mood vanishes.

What's wrong what happened baby? Please tell me those are happy tears.  I feel the panic building in my gut making it hard to breathe.

I was attacked outside of Babies R Us in the city. And he he he broke my glasses and I can't see to drive home. Pl ple please come h hu he help me. I wouldn't have called I know you have a m mu meeting but the girls won't answer their phones and your the only other person I knew to call. I'm sorry.

No baby you should have called me first. You did the right thing I am on my way. Are you in your car, are the doors locked?

I'm in my car h he he went away he isn't coming back. He thought I was still with my ex and wanted to send a message through me.

Mother fucker more reasons her ex needs to disappear.

It's okay baby just sit tight and don't open your door for anyone but me okay? I am going to grab a man, get a car and come get you. Okay?

Yeah yeah okay. Thank you.

Anything for you baby.


Yeah baby?

Can you please hurry I don't like the dark. She whispers in the most broken voice.

I'm on my way baby don't worry. Just call me again if you need anything.

I hang up the phone grab Gear and my car and we head out.

Whoever laid a hand on my girl is going to die as soon as I handle Red. Hot furry runs through my veins. I'm not sure I have ever been this scared or this angry.

When Texas calls me again he says he is outside the door. Feeling for the handle I open it up.

I can't help but cry out when a blurry figure grabs for me and pulls me into them.

Taking a deep breath I smell Texas and I allow myself to completely crumble in his embrace. Im safe now.

Texas quietly coos in my ear as I sob. It's dark outside and I hate the blurry dark the most.

Red used to take my glasses away when I was bad and would leave me in the house when it was dark. There was several times that I would fall down the stares or hurt myself when he did this. He would always rearrange the furniture moving it so I would run into it.

I am legally blind without my glasses and it scares me. He would also sometimes lock me into a dark closet when I was really bad for days. Another sob rocks my body when I think of this.

I try to explain this to Texas in broken words but I'm not sure if he can understand what in saying through my tears. After a while I finally calm down.

"We are going to have to take you to the hospital baby you are going to need stitches on your brow." Texas says in a gentle voice. He has something pressed to my head I hadn't even realized that it's still bleeding.

"Okay." I whisper trying to pull away. I'm sure he does not want to be covered in more blood and tears then what I imagine he already is. But instead of letting me he pulls me closer.

"You think I am going to leave you in the darkness alone? I am not that prick don't try and pull away from me baby. I am going to hold you and am not going to leave your side until you get some glasses on that pretty face and can see again." Texas says as he pulls me until I'm flush against him.

I didn't think that it was possible but I just fell for him a little harder.

"Please don't break my heart Texas." I say as I allow myself to fully lean into his embrace.

"Never." He vows as he pulls me into the car and onto his lap.

I know this chapter was short but I hope you enjoyed! Comment and vote to let me know how you feel ❤️

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