6. ** I Can Hear Your Voice **

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I feel... I feel like I'm floating. And yet, am I standing still? Where is this place? Am I...dead?

Levi... I'm sorry I couldn't fight anymore. I know you told me to fight until the end, but really, what's the point? I fought and struggled my entire life... wasn't that enough? I was just so tired of it all. You don't think I'm a coward... do you?


A voice? It sounds so... sad. Don't mourn for me; I'm happier here, where no one can hurt me ever again.



I could feel the ground rumbling beneath me, but I couldn't hear a sound. I could smell gunpowder and taste blood. My vision began to return gradually, but everything was still so bright and blurry. I could make out the shape of two figures above me: one standing, the other sitting so close. Their lips were moving, but I couldn't hear what they said.

The ringing in my ears began to fade, just enough for me to make out a deep roll of thunder nearby. No, not thunder... cannon fire.

I could sense the pressure of hands on my shoulders, but I still wasn't fully aware of my body. So many people were rushing by in a blur. The figure closest to me was starting to become more distinct. A mangled mess of black hair. Skin painted red with blood. Grey eyes... why are they so afraid?

I could gather that he was speaking to me now, but it was still so muffled. Just then, I inhaled sharply to the first audible words filling my ears with a desperate plea.



I could finally see his face...hear his voice... and witness the fear leaving his eyes, replaced so happily by welcome relief. I tried to grasp where we were and how we got there, but I was still so groggy and confused. I saw Levi look up toward the second man who had been standing over us as he muttered something unintelligible. I recognized the kind blue eyes smiling down on me: Commander Erwin. I instinctively tried to sit up and salute him, but both he and Levi were quick to stop me.

"(F/N), you are in no shape to move. Honestly, I should be the one saluting you. It was your quick thinking out there that alerted us to your position. When we saw your signal flares, we were able to assemble a team of men to ride out immediately. You should also be grateful to the soldiers who have impeccable accuracy when it comes to aiming those cannons," Erwin said.

My eyes widened as I finally recalled what had happened. I had given up so easily at the end that I had never even noticed we were being rescued. The titan that had picked me up was hit by cannon fire, and then I fell...

"(F/N), you and Captain Levi both have each other to thank for making it out alive."

I smiled warmly, knowing that was true in more ways than one. I watched Commander Erwin motion to a few soldiers nearby, then turn back to Levi.

"Our Medical Officers have made-ready a wagon to take you back to camp. You both require treatment immediately. I will see to it that the remaining soldiers return safely behind the wall before I join you. Again, I am glad to see you two alive."

I could feel myself being lifted gently onto a stretcher by the hands of the two medical officers. Obviously, Levi had refused such treatment and just stood alongside me. I mustered up just enough strength to reach out and tug on his sleeve before we left the wall for the wagon below.

"Levi," I whispered, still barely able to speak.

His eyes flashed at mine, warning me not to waste my energy on words. But I called out his name again anyway.

Breaking Barricades (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now