21. ** Send Off **

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It was dark inside the small room where we had retreated. Only the light from underneath the door crept in. This meeting was unlike any we had shared before. We had both been fearful of the possibility of never seeing each other again, but we would never admit it. And for once, we just wanted to hold each other in silence.

There was always such a heavy, inescapable unknown-factor surrounding us. Somehow, the only time I really felt at ease was when I was with Levi. And, without really knowing how, Viktor had figured that out. He was doing his best to drive me away from Levi, where I felt safe; where I was safe. But I wasn't going to play into his hands... I was planning my own revenge, for everything he had put me through.

I knew Levi could sense the tension that I was hiding. The moment our lips pulled apart, he wrapped his arms around me tighter than usual, quietly speaking into my ear.

"This expedition is an important one, (F/N). There is a lot riding on the line right now, but I need you to promise me something." Levi calmly released his embrace, pressing his hands against the wall behind me and staring deep into my eyes. "Don't go doing anything stupid while I'm gone. I know you're still trying to do things alone, like you always do. Just wait for me."

I bowed my head sheepishly, resting my forehead on his chest. With a sigh, I gave a slight nod, before slipping underneath his arms. I hadn't gotten far before he wrapped his fingers around my wrist, pulling me back to him. His eyes were searching my face, waiting for verbal confirmation that I wasn't lying.

"Alright. I'll wait for you... so come back alive."

Bringing his hand to my cheek, he brushed away a few loose strands of hair that had fallen in front of my eyes. There was still a small cut above my eyebrow from the attack a week ago. He leaned in to examine it, and I winced.

"What is this from...?"

I slowly took his hand from my face and shook my head.

"It's fine. We had a bit of a run in on our way here, but I took care of it."

That was not what Levi had wanted to hear. He placed his thumb onto my chin, lifting my eyes back to his.

"Are you going to tell me what happened...?"

I knew our time together would be short, but I was still surprised to hear everyone regrouping outside the hall. I placed my hands on his chest and gave him a bleak smile.

"It's nothing to worry about, Levi. Right now, you've got to focus on Eren and the importance of this expedition."

He pulled me back into another tight hug, softly kissing my forehead, where my cut was slow to heal. We reluctantly opened the door, slightly blinded by the brightness of the sun shining through the giant windows that lined the hall. He stayed close to me, keeping his hand between my shoulder blades as we walked back outside.

As I accompanied Levi back to our horses, I took the opportunity to send off my Squad with words of encouragement. The fire that burned within Eren's eyes was truly inspiring, reigniting my choice to step back and let Levi focus on what was most important. If this expedition would bring us even one-step closer to freedom from the titans, I wanted to do my part to ensure its success.

I noticed a few of the newer recruits scattered throughout, and was able to acknowledge their determination with a nod. Even though I wished to ride out with them all, I would remain in Karanes and keep the bigger picture in mind.

Just then, I heard Erwin's deep voice and turned around to find him and Pixis riding toward the front lines. I saluted them both as they passed, Erwin giving me a stern nod. Pixis pulled his horse to the side, watching the Survey Corps begin to fall in line.
I watched as Levi threw his leg over his horse, settling into the saddle. He glanced over his shoulder to check for Eren, then back at me. We locked eyes for a moment, then he gave a small nod. With a gentle smile, I nodded back, before launching myself into the air, flying over the town toward the gate. I knew what was coming next, and honestly, I couldn't wait.

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