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Samantha's POV

Have you ever had one of those moments where you go "Ahhh, that's what it was" well iI just had one of them?

As I was unpacking a notice a strange bulge in one of the walls of my bad. Moving my hand towards it my fingers skim over a zip. I then, of course, unzip it wondering what could be making the weird bulge.

And that's when I had one to those moments.

The bag that I brought with me must have been one of the bags I used when moving house. Where I must have used the secret compartment to separate everything. Because insider the compartment was a couple of things I have bought over the years for my little. I haven't had my little boy before but iI have looked after some as there Daddy/Mommy has to leave for a couple of days.

That didn't stop me from buying some things for when I do find the right little boy.

I feel my self smile as I look through the couple of things I have here. An elephant stuffie, a lion stuffie, a couple of bottles and some pacifiers. My personal favourite is 'Mommy's Babyboy' pacifier.

Placing the items back into the bag I finish unpacking the rest of my things.

My roommates aren't to bad. I don't think I will be making friends with them any time soon which is a plus. Only one is in the room with me now as the other went to her friends one. 

She is a small girl who seems shy. Currently, she is lying on her bed reading a book.

Sighing, I stand up preparing myself for the loud noises of the cafeteria.

That's right, its dinner time.

After telling my roommate where I am headed, I picked up my key and make my way out of the room.

Luckily I paid attention to the teacher so it didn't take long for me to find the location of the lunch hall.

Just as I expected the room if filled with annoyingly loud students. Great.

I make my way through them all trying to find the place where the food is saved. I was quite pleased with what I found the food doesn't look half bad. It looks like a 5-star dish compares to the food they serve at school.

Ignoring everybody I take my food and go sit at an empty table to eat it as it is not allowed to leave this room.

Well, there goes my plan of eating in my room, I think to myself.

. . . . . . . . . .

I was pretty sure I'm lost.

I have no idea how it happened but all I remember is leaving the food hall as lots more students arrive and acting like they own the space. Next thing I know I turn down one too many hallways and see an unfamiliar painting.

Which means I'm lost.

I try to retake my steps but I feel like I've just made it worse.

Just as I was about to try and find my way back I spot a door.

The door looks the same as the door to my room so I know that it leads to somebody room.Maybe I can knock on the door and see if anyone is in there? I mean there is a chance that not everybody has gone to dinner yet.

Shrugging to myself I walk towards the lone door. Without any hesitation, I raise my arm and knock.

I wait a few minutes before giving up.

Just as I turn to try and find my way back to my room I hear a strangled groan and a bang.Oh, they better not be doing what I think they are.

Assholes could off helped me.

Letting out a scoff I go to kicked the door in frustrations, only to hear another groan but this time instead of a banging noise I heard coughing sound along with an almost helpless whimper.

I'm not innocent I know where that chocking sound could off came from but the whimper sounded anything but pleasurable.

But then again...

Ah, fuck it.

Turning the knob on the door I am pleased to find that it is unlocked.

I take a second to prepare myself before pushing the door open.


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