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Samantha's POV

Luckily It only takes a couple of minutes until I bump into some random guy who gives me 

directions to my room and explains that I must have taken a wrong turn from the cafeteria.

After quickly thanking him I rush into my room - taking note that it was empty - and pack a more bag of clothes and toiletries, I didn't take enough stuff for it to be suspicious if one of the teachers decided to do a room check.

Once I have had a quick shower and change my clothes, I grab my bag and head towards the place I know will soothe my hunger.

As I enter the cafeteria I am quite pleased to see that the noise isn't half as bad as it was before due to everyone most likely being half asleep.

I try not to rush to the line as I think back to the sick boy that I hope is still sleeping.

The smell off the food only strengthens the hungry in my stomach as I join the slight line that has formed before the food. I grab a tray and pick up some food for me as well as some fruit and porridge for the sick teen.

I take my food towards an empty table and put the fruit and porridge - that is lucky in a sealed tub - into my bag along with some bottles of water and one of fresh orange juice.

I then eat the food that is on the tray for me so it doesn't look like I'm trying to smuggle food out and briefly scan over the people surrounding me. Some of the faces slightly familiar while the others are so much.

Unscrewing the top of my water bottle I take a few gulps once I have finished my food, I swing my bag around my shoulder and walk out of the room after discarding my trash and food tray.I also pick up a carton of milk for later on my way out.

Finding the boys room wasn't as hard as I expected as it was only a 2-minute walk from my room.

I slowly open the door to his room trying to be as quiet as I can in case he was still sleeping.

I slightly tiptoe over to the bed after quietly closing the door behind me and place my hand on his forehead checking his temperature.

I let out a low sigh as he feels just as warm if not warmer as before I left.

Quickly unzipping my bag I bring out one of the bottles of waters I brought and slightly shake his shoulders only wakening him up a little for him to drink some of the water.

After some grunting and slight whining, I manage to get some water into him but unfortunately not nearly enough as he needs.

Letting out a louder sigh than before I take the rest of the waters out of my bag and placing them into the mini fire that he is blessed to have along with the orange juice, the carton of milk and the fruit.

As I take the porridge out of my bag to place on the desk I remember the little space thing I have in my bag due to forgetting to unpack them when I moved house.

Suddenly getting the idea to fill one of the baby bottles with some water so it would be easier for him to drink.

I take one of the bottles out of my bag and take it into the bathroom to rinse off before filling it three-quarters of the length with one of the waters that I put in the fridge.

After making sure the lid was one securely I get onto the bed carefully to not joust him. I then gently take out his thumb the was only slightly in his mouth before replacing it with the nipple of the bottle.

I watch as the teens eyebrows slight furrow before he ever so slightly suck on it. I carefully watch him drink from the bottle as he is still sleeping and wait for him to have his fill.

A couple of minutes later the bottle is empty and the boy starts to still and whimper as I take it out of his mouth to keep him from sucking in air.

My heart melts at the sight of him rubbing his cheek against his pillow and he searches for the bottle's nipple. His fist shoots out before sleepily rubbing it against his eyes as he starts to regain consciousness.

My heart almost breaks as I watch his glazed over eyes meet mine and his start to water a to water as he lets out a choked out sob. The boys fist now rubbing against his mouth trying to gain some comfort making me quickly move toward the end of the bed where my bag had been resting and bring out a blue pacifier that has the words 'LITTLE PRINCE' written on it.

I then carefully go over to the confused and seemly dazed boy and rub the nub of the pacifier against his lips.

He doesn't hesitate to grab the wrist and place it against his mouth so he can experimentally suck on it.

His eyes roll to the back out his head and he starts to suck on it faster while his hand rubs small pattens on my wrist.

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